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Dallas Retreat!, Jan 24-26th, 2014

Great minds! We actually discussed posting some lead sheets a coupla weeks before the event, and if it came down to it we could even post some YouTube vids to demo the songs. The idea would be for everyone to arrive already knowing what we're going to play together and how to play it.
andrew said:
Brian R Kelson said:
[W]here was your drum Steve?
Speakin' o' which: I'd like to encourage everybody that can play a guitar or hand drum or tambourine (or other portable acoustic instrument) to bring your instrument(s) to Tennessee this summer. We'll do at least one acoustic set of worship that will be open to anyone who wants to participate in playing the music.

Hi Andrew!

I am so happy you all decided to come to the TN Retreat! I missed out on the Dallas Retreat, but the Turner Family will be in TN with bells on their toes! Steven's drum will be coming with us, and I play the tambourine every chance I get, including in worship at our home and in my room for that matter! I love to worship the Lord "...with the timbral and dance..." (Ps. 150:4) I'm so excited to finally meet you and your family.

I was part of the "old days" and I remember you being on the forum back then. I look forward to getting reaquainted in this, our BiblicalFamilies.org Family!

Love in Him,
Awesome! Can't wait to meet you and worship together in TN! Sounds like we're going to have a blast!

After my previous post in this thread I went and posted something over at Family Issues about family worship. Anybody here thinking about the TN retreat or family worship please go take a look and tell me what you think.
Hi all,
Well, this is my very first post on this forum. I just wanted to post on this thread and tell everyone what a wonderful time I had. I was very apprehensive about going to the Dallas retreat with my family which are the Amelangs in case anyone is wondering. I was completely surprised and relieved as to what I experienced at the Dallas retreat. It was so refreshing to meet other like minded people and practicing poly families. All the people I met and interacted with were so wonderful. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone on a deeper level. Thank you for showing us such hospitality and open and loving arms. We felt totally at home. Looking forward to the next retreat!!!!
Hello everyone!

It is one day after we left the hotel and I am wishing we had at least a week to hang out with all of our new friends. It was truly a "well" experience. The Lord gave us drink and food that we have been starving for. I cannot thank you all enough for your love, acceptance and beautiful words of encouragement. I so enjoyed every session, hearing everyone's stories, wonderful teaching, creative assignments, praying for one another, hanging out with other women, worshiping together, and the wonderful time of communion that I have so missed. Our family is so grateful to have met each one of you and made so many awesome new relationships. I look forward to the future and love this new feeling of hope knowing that we are not alone in this calling that our heavenly Father has called us to. Love to you all!!
I am so glad you had a good time and I cannot wait to meet your family as well as the other families that attended.

annwinston75 said:
I was very apprehensive about going to the Dallas retreat ........ I was completely surprised and relieved

I am curious as to what you thought it would be like?
Well what can I say........Wanted to go when I first found out but as time came closer the old devil :twisted: kept getting in the way and encouraging me to not go. Then we had the worse weather in a number of years down here on the Black Bayou with lots of icy roads and bridges closed. I kept saying as I was driving that I had good reason to turn around and go home but I kept driving, even going around road blocks to get on the interstate. The closer to Dallas we got the more my spirit picked up though I am sure Annette did not see it ;) ...........We get there and broke out in happy heart smiles :D to see a number of friends standing in line checking in as well. ........................From the Friday night supper and get together to the Monday morning good byes I cannot say enough good stuff about it. God sent me to this retreat for HE knew I needed the companionship of those I already knew and the need to meet and hopefully encourage the new ones attending. I needed the conversations Brian and I had to which I thank him for. The worship and sharing of Gods word was really needed and the music Andrew and his family provided I cannot say enough about how good it was for they had me in tears on Sunday morning as we had worship services. To all of you new ones who attended for the first time I bet you were expecting something totally different for Annette and I did when we attended the first one in Dallas about 6 yrs ago. I cannot say enough about how important it is for people here to make a retreat if you have never been to one. You will be surprised at just what you will see, hear and receive. God was there in that room with us the whole weekend. I keep saying " I " needed....well I did. If no one else got anything out of the weekend ( and I know others sure did ) then God set it up for just me to receive the encouragement of others as well as the spirit lifting praise and worship we had. I want to beg, encourage and plead to everyone who can go, to attend the retreat in July. Take vacation or sick days if you have to but attend if you can. I want to encourage ALL you ladies to make plans to attend the ladies retreat when it is held for you will receive an extra special blessing in attending.
Collectively, my family has heard so many nice things about the worship from so many kind people that I feel compelled to say two things.

First, from a technical side, we were actually pretty rusty. We've been doing more participatory small group worship for years (totally burned out on McChurch...), and have just recently started doing band-style, "front of house"-type worship leading again. On the other hand, that was the first time in fifteen years that we have led worship from the front of the room for a group that knew exactly who we were and wanted us there anyway. (More typically, some people know, and most are "don't ask, don't tell".) That was liberating in ways that I'm still debriefing with the family, and I think our worship must have reflected that joy and openness.

Second, and even more importantly, was the spirit of the group. When you have a room full of people that love Jesus and are eager to fellowship in his name, facilitating worship with music is the easy part. As a metaphor, if you know how to build a campfire, then getting it started is a one-match affair. If it takes you a box of matches to light a fire, you're doing it wrong. I have to recognize the hard work and patience of the Bender family and others over the years who have made Biblical Families what it is and brought together that group of people in that place on that weekend. The spirit of that group is what you felt as we worshiped together.

Finally, I know I said I was going to say two things, but I'm going to say the thing that should go without saying but needs to be said anyway: All praise, glory, and honor to Him who sits on the throne. Ultimately he gets all the glory for all of it, and we're just happy to be included in the work he's doing.
Thank you for sharing that Andrew! It really touched me! You got me sitting here with tears running down my face! Where is an icon smiley for that one? :lol:

Hey....I found the smiley with tears!

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

If you turn the frown upside down you can see the title of smiley is cry or sad; but my tears are of joy and thankfulness because you touched my heart and spirit with the care and lovingkindness you continually display to all of BibFam!!!

Thank you Andre & Family!!!

Lots of Brotherly (in my case Sisterly :lol: ) Love,
The Dallas retreat was such a blessing on so many levels. It was great to have live worship! Thank you to Andrew's family for giving of themselves in that way. It was great to see so many first time families there, and young families at that, as Brian said earlier. I had the privilege of watching the children for most of the sessions. The children were wonderful and a great reflection of their families. One of the highlights for me was to finally meet cnystrom and his wife face to face after so many years knowing him only online. So glad you made the effort to come! As always I am touched, encouraged and convicted by the Spirit of the Lord that comes among us at retreat. A big thank you to all who helped in prep and take down, too.
Hi Everyone,
This retreat was the best yet for me (Jan). The live music was awesome............such talent and love in that family.....what a blessing.....thank you all! Brian's talk Saturday fed my soul in a special way and I want to thank him for his presentation especially. I am impressed by the fine quality of folks God is drawing into our Biblical Families group. I feel so blessed by the testimonies of their callings to this life style......what an awesome God we serve !!! Thank you Benders for your unending faith and unselfish service to our group. I have such love for each and every one of you. Red Riding Hood, Jan Higgins
THANK YOU ALL FOR BLESSING me and my ladies what a week ready for the next event blessings to all .The fellowship seemed non stop thanks again
bolts53 said:
The fellowship seemed non stop
Something about that all-night fellowship, probably.... ;)
Hi all,
First I want to echo all the above comments on this retreat. It was truly a time of fellowship, renewal, love and sharing of lives, and encouragement and blessing for those who were able to attend. We had freedom to share our common beliefs and love of the Lord and of each other. Those living the lifestyle were able to really open up and those who were not were encouraged to follow their beliefs in this lifestyle. It was/is a blessing to our family.
After a drought of being able to worship with other like-minded believers, we were able to experience His love in music and sweet adoration of who He is. Thank you Amelang family for sharing your faith and talents in leading us in this worship. I know you truly were a godsend to all of us.
As this was the first conference that Jan and I attended in which we were getting along and renewing our friendship and love at home, I was really able to be there in heart as well as body. Thank all of you who prayed for us to find happiness in this lifestyle!!! This retreat just cemented my belief that God was really leading us in our plurality.
There was a wonderful feeling of companionship the first night that stayed all weekend long. Thank all of you that came to our room after the sessions for fellowship and sharing. That was a real blessing to us and we appreciate the love.
I loved meeting all of you that I had not met before and thank you for sharing this wonderful time. It was fun reconnecting with those we knew from before, and, again, thank you for the love shown us.
Thank you, Nathan, Julie, and Nita, for all your hard work and patience freely given to us. Your vision of this group, and all it can be, made it so. I know God will bless you as you have blessed so many. We love you!
Thank you, Bob, Brian, and Doc, for your teaching sessions. I know that those times really were blessings to all of us. Bob, thank you for leading us in communion on Sunday. Brian, thank you for explaining God’s love and truth. Thank you, Doc, for breaking the ice and opening the weekend for us. And, Nathan, there are not enough words to say to you what a blessing and godsend you are to us. Thank you.
I thank you all for the prayers for Ron. God has worked miracles in Ron’s life due to all of your prayers. Thank you. It really touched my heart seeing all of you gathering together to pray over him. I know God is not finished with him, and that He has heard your heartfelt prayers.
With love in Christ,
Ginny said:
bah ha ha ha ha!!!! Oh man, I miss that room already...

I suspect that from now on retreats will be known for Ron's room number. I can see it now:

"Were you at the Dallas Retreat in 2014?"

"Oh yea. Room 220? Yea I was there."
I have not heard Steve sound so "ooey-gooey" in a long time as he was about the retreat, especially about the worship. I was at a business boot camp and got the "live updates" here and there, and could tell it was grand. He has a djembe that we actually purchased on the way to a retreat a few years back, and boy, do I love to watch him worship with it. Soooo looking forward to meeting you guys in TN, and getting the song sheets. What fun we shall have!
Oh, yeah!

I don't know if there's enough interest here, but drum circles are also a lot of fun if you have enough people drumming, playing tambourine or bells, or dancing. We have some extra drums we could bring.... :shock: