@bluearrow89, I think you are putting words in my mouth that I did not say, and then rightly objecting to them. I did not say "we are created for a greater reality", or "our God given purpose on earth is lesser in importance to our future purpose", or "our physical reality is less important than our spiritual reality". I do not know where you have got these statements from.
God created us to place us on this earth, and He has very important purposes for us here. I agree with you. In fact, I believe our ultimate hope is an earthly hope - God will create a new heavens and a new earth, the new earth being created for saved humanity. We are created for a physical reality.
What I DID mean was simply that people have a natural tendency to feel that the physical world is real and the spiritual world is imaginary, or if they believe it is real still less "solid" or "important" than the physical. However, the physical was made by the spiritual (as God is spiritual), is controlled by the spiritual world (as it is controlled by God), and will ultimately be destroyed and re-made by the spiritual also. The physical world is therefore subject to the spiritual, the spiritual is more powerful, and longer-lasting (as it existed first). This is the opposite of the natural instinctual view that humans can have. The idea of a computer simulation, subject to its Maker, is a parable that makes sense to a modern reader and helps to illustrate the fact that the spiritual is actually real, and critically important.