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Fake women boxers are just one indication...

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
There's been a lot of discussion lately about Big Lies that are finally being revealed.

A fake 'president' installed by a fake election.
Fake 'protection' for a rival that was evidently a botched hit job.

And today, a fake woman boxed beat the literal snot out of a real young woman, but revealed a bit of just how far the fakes have gone.

And it turns out they go way back.

But that helps to point the Way.

Fake vs Real

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Which is not remotely the point. The link has to do with FAKES, and what we should learn - and point out - when they get to be too outrageous to deny.

The good news is that even some of the deceived are starting to see through the lies.

And all of that helps US to see through lies we have been subjected to as well.
I don't have an issue with woman boxing or in other martial arts competitions. I have been the punching bag and dump dummy more than I remember in dojos for woman or smaller men and kids.
I think they definitely do in the dojo need to understand how much stronger men are and how the odds are by nature against them in real world physical confrontations with men so that they can make better judgements about how to survive.

A head to head competition in a combat sport or many other physical competitions is just the result of how many creepy fetishists we have in our midst and the degree of toxic tolerance we have in the west.
I see no place for it, just as I see no need to tolerate a fetishistic male or mentally ill one the ability to cosplay women.

I have not read into the details of these specific boxers so I am painting with a broad brush. Don't really anticipate taking an interest. What would have been a huge shocking circumstance in previous eras has just become one little blip in all of the background noise of cultural collapse.

Not to sound all black pilled and what not but we certainly seem to be following the patterns that have preceeded previous historical collapses.
Then again, y'all have heard me occasionally express my admiration for Noah...because he listened and then he acted.

Hope you boys and girls are boning up on your sea shanties. The weird is accelerating
There's been a lot of discussion lately about Big Lies that are finally being revealed.

A fake 'president' installed by a fake election.
Fake 'protection' for a rival that was evidently a botched hit job.

And today, a fake woman boxed beat the literal snot out of a real young woman, but revealed a bit of just how far the fakes have gone.

And it turns out they go way back.

But that helps to point the Way.

Male boxer was from Algeria, Muslim world. This was Muslim's way of trolling West, perhaps. I do know that in Iran it has been normal for while, crossdressing.
Which is not remotely the point. The link has to do with FAKES, and what we should learn - and point out - when they get to be too outrageous to deny.

The good news is that even some of the deceived are starting to see through the lies.

And all of that helps US to see through lies we have been subjected to as well.
Frame is wrong.

Your is noticing fakery. You can provide more example other that this. They lie about (almost) eveything. Anyway there is enough BS to keep you busy.

Start with puberty blockers.

My frame is that women should be kept away from anything violent. So no boxing, young lady, back to kitchen, let mommy show you how to make cake.

EDIT: Spelling
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You can provide more example other that this. They like about (almost) eveything. Anyway there is enough tans BS to keep you busy.
Duh. The link was about far more than that.

Frame is wrong.

Your is noticing fakery.
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say. But you are missing the Fake Forest for only little plastic tree.
Male boxer was from Algeria, Muslim world. This was Muslim's way of trolling West, perhaps. I do know that in Iran it has been normal for while, crossdressing.

I don't recall which Islamic nations but I have heard it reported that at least one which outlaws homosexuality will have them given sex change operations so that they now conform to the dictates of the religion.
I suspect there is more nuance involved but my being an info nerd with eclectic tastes in reading and consumption. I can not help but be reminded of the theory about accumulation of mutational load in the various populations. If it is correct then there will be no solution forthcoming in our non harsh selection environment.

The basic idea is that with the child and infant mortality being collapsed from 40% to 1% via the industrial revolution, you have many more children surviving into adulthood and going on to have children themselves who would not have previously survived...you end up with more and more small mutations creeping in. The brain being by a vast overwhelming majority the largest and most delicate target for mutation means that we get more people who are literally not right in the head.
Cultures who get the clean water, removsl of waste, the regular predictable calories and by extension lower infant/child mortality soonest end up with the higher mutational load expressing itself first. Other nations go whack doodle later.
So...in the event that you wonder why America, Europe and its diaspora seem to be as loony as a box of ferrets on crack, this is part of what I will offer as my explanation.

Nothing we can do though. You can not go back to a world of harsh selection pressures. Obviously. And nobody would advocate for that. If/when that happens it will be as a result of extreme calamity and those who survive will too busy to think of silly musings like this theory or guys and girls boxing or perverts reading to children as police hold back protesting parents
It's about gender roles in society.

Sexual roles

This is part of the linguistic manipulation which allows us to think within the leftist framing of the issue.

We have sexusl roles because we have a sex. Words and objects have a gender as it is a function of grammar. Living creatures have a sex and not a gender. Not just a distinction but a difference.
See dictionaries from decades past for proof of concept. Modern web based nonsense changes reflect only frsmung and narrative, not facts.

The argument should be about sexual roles and which ones are locked in stone. Which ones are adaptive and which ones are maladaptive.
History shows us that the adaptive ones are those that we think of as traditional sexual roles.
Our modern world and the new exploration into the changes in sexual roles exists in a delicate bubble which could very easily burst.
To my mind, our current artificial world is out of balance and that this is an engineered imbalance with goals contrary to our well being.
Won't bother to fold a fresh tinfoil hat as a very large chunk of us who participate in these conversations already know what i would say as they have said similar before.
I do encourage people to drop the term gender though as when you mentally use the correct term ie sex, it helps to sweep the legs from beneath the ludicrous manipulative arguments from the lunatics sowing intentional cultural erosion. Correct frames do that.
Nothing we can do though. You can not go back to a world of harsh selection pressures.

What you can do is "come out of her." "Withdraw consent," is how the Founders put it.

FROM ABSOLUTE INSANE Death-worshiping satanic perversion.

Which, ultimately, is just the inevitable consummation of what we've seen for years now.

Again: The ONLY good news in this abomination is that even the Most Blind will either finally see it, or "they have their reward."
What you can do is "come out of her." "Withdraw consent," is how the Founders put it.

FROM ABSOLUTE INSANE Death-worshiping satanic perversion.

Which, ultimately, is just the inevitable consummation of what we've seen for years now.

Again: The ONLY good news in this abomination is that even the Most Blind will either finally see it, or "they have their reward."

Well certainly we push back.

Vanity tier drum beater on the anti toxic tolerance team

I was just using that paint roller with respect to the notion that we have more loons and that we can not keep loons from being loons. Happily those with strong faith have a higher fertility rate albeit still to low
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How can claim that women should stay out of fighting be called sexual roles?

Who said woman should stay out of fighting? I taught woman to fight. I knocked plenty on their ass by way if teaching...fairly gently obviously. I just don't believe in fake woman being put in with woman. You want to compete in a different league not differentiated by sex...sure. I suppose. Seems like a shirt lived project.

Re sexual roles, sexysl roles have nothing to do with competitive sports of any kinds. If I am misunderstanding your question then you will have to expand the context

Gender has more sense to me.

And that is proof of how powerful the technique of linguistic manipulation can be.