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Fake women boxers are just one indication...

@Mark C, @paterfamilias

This is more important than you think. It's in similar vein as my previous altitude posts. It's about way of looking at situation.

You can look at boxing event throught eyes of fakery or gender roles. I'm certain there are other ways. They are all equally valid, ie. they are all correct. They are all true.

So truth isn't key here. What is important is which frame (way of looking at situation) is best and/or most useful?

What you guys don't see is that you support regime in affirming their ways of looking at world. And with this, you confirm you their ideology and their right of rule. How?

Because "fakery" frame doesn't dispute sending women in violence role (soldiers, police). At best you prove women aren't good as men. So what? From regime perspective some affirmative action and more DEI is needed to fix situation. And neither of you can use "fakery" frame to stop following.

Pair man and woman cop. Man is muscle, while woman is emocional intelligence to manage situation. Is she fail, it's always other people (her partner, arrested people) fault. And off course, man is just backup and way less important of pair. See, girl power 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀.

Or woman can se send to frontline, just "quiet" one.

My frame, "no violence roles for woman" blocks all such stupidity. And it's more based. No equality between sexes.
This is more important than you think.
You still haven't actually even bothered to understand the real point of the post.

What you think it should have been about instead is less important than you think.

(So I did put it right there in the title for you.)
"All societies are based on rules to protect pregnant women and young children. All else is surplus age, excrescence, adornment, luxury or folly which can--and must--be dumped in emergency to preserve this prime function. As racial survival is the only universal morality, no other basic is possible. Attempts to formulate a “perfect society” on any foundation other than “women and children first!” is not only witless, it is automatically genocidal. Nevertheless, starry-eyed idealists (all of them male) have tried endlessly--and no doubt will keep on trying."
- Robert A. Heinlein

Well, maybe that's a bit dated now.

But a truly fake society no longer even seems to know what actual 'women' are.
@Mark C, @paterfamilias

This is more important than you think.

Unlikely based on my political worldview

You can look at boxing event throught eyes of fakery or gender roles.

Sexual roles and I don't see that those apply to boxing. The fraud and the cultural humiliation ritual does though.

So truth isn't key here. What is important is which frame (way of looking at situation) is best and/or most useful?

What you guys don't see is that you support regime in affirming their ways of looking at world. And with this, you confirm you their ideology and their right of rule. How?

I have no clue where you got any of that as it is not a reply to a position I have espoused

Because "fakery" frame doesn't dispute sending women in violence role (soldiers, police).

The topic is a competitive sporting event that was once sexually segregated. The other stuff isn't what was discussed.

At best you prove women aren't good as men.

No. Better and different from are not in the same zip code

So what? From regime perspective some affirmative action and more DEI is needed to fix situation. And neither of you can use "fakery" frame to stop following.

Left field and see previous remark about responding to my position

Pair man and woman cop. Man is muscle, while woman is emocional intelligence to manage situation. Is she fail, it's always other people (her partner, arrested people) fault. And off course, man is just backup and way less important of pair. See, girl power 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀.

Still not a valid leap and it is projecting an advocacy onto me which is inaccurate

My frame, "no violence roles for woman" blocks all such stupidity. And it's more based. No equality between sexes.

Who advocated nonsense like equality?
We are not remotely equal. We are complementary.
Equality is a manipulation tactic and a grift
Who advocated nonsense like equality?
We are not remotely equal. We are complementary.
Equality is a manipulation tactic and a grift
Yea, from your perspective. Not from regime. Then equality is gift.

And don't make mistake of accidentally assuming your enemies moral system. I have some time ago written similar post. Difference is that now you personally aren't assuming enemies moral system, but outside observer can't notice this plus regime can still take your approach and push their ideas.

"Yea, from your perspective. Not from regime. Then equality is gift."

The regime is a demonstrable and provable grift. Any of us can disassemble their false narratives faster than a spastic with power tools and old washing machine

"And don't make mistake of accidentally assuming your enemies moral system. I have some time ago written similar post. Difference is that now you personally aren't assuming enemies moral system, but outside observer can't notice this plus regime can still take your approach and push their ideas."

That is the thing.
Their morals...or lack their of (and it Always boils down to power be it micro or macro) are unimportant and it is generally unimportant that they don't actually have real morals....just shifting positions which are intended to help empower them or their perceived group/disempower their perceived enemies (usually their own in-group. The correlation with these creatures and hating their own group is pretty solid. We all know that lame saw about correlation and causation being in large part blather when correlates keep on correlating), generally through just about every for of passive aggressive signaling. Almost Never fitness signaling other than the laughable attempts by vegan types.
Always always various forms of dark triad types.
So, I just hand wave away their pretend morals and ethics now days...occasionally direct them but less so each day as it is all just fake posturing for the current thing.
They have no standards and no ethics. They have bullshit, lies, grifts and attempts at gaining power via manipulation.

These are the people who absolutely would have been first to fail in a harsh selection environment like being a hunter gatherer.

It is our tolerance for manipulation which has brought us here.

You will have likely seen me referencing ye toxic tolerance being the achilles heel of the west. I am something of a boar on the topic but I have yet to see a decent refutation of the notion


Fine fine...I will put in bally quotation marks manually
What is the deal? The formatting went weird or I am a bloody loon that has forgotten how to make the joint work
That is the thing.
Their morals...or lack their of (and it Always boils down to power be it micro or macro) are unimportant and it is generally unimportant that they don't actually have real morals....just shifting positions which are intended to help empower them or their perceived group/disempower their perceived enemies (usually their own in-group.
They have no standards and no ethics. They have bullshit, lies, grifts and attempts at gaining power via manipulation.
There is always morality in human action. It's unavoidable. It's just you finding their values very immoral.

Your judgement is very correct in moral sense.
These are the people who absolutely would have been first to fail in a harsh selection environment like being a hunter gatherer.

Doubt it. Only if alone. They would qualify themselves without doubt for chieftain.

The regime is a demonstrable and provable grift. Any of us can disassemble their false narratives faster than a spastic with power tools and old washing machine
It not for the regime.

Problem are all those NPCs who only know copy what TV says. They must lose talking points and ability to be TV programmed.

If nobody obey regime it would die in month. That happened with USSR. Central commands has kept sending commands, noboby has obeyed, dead in month.

USA would be dead in three month if 95% decides to stop paying taxes.
"Doubt it. Only if alone. They would qualify themselves without doubt for chieftain."

Zero chance.
High stress survival situations you will have some successful grandiose narcissistic types for sure, presuming they are physically strong and dominant as well as a charismatic.
The enormous overwhelming majority of what we are dealing with now are covert and vulnerable narcissistic types. Those would not survive...well, allow me to qualify that to an extent. The males would not survive. Nobody would feed them and they would be driven away. Sure some of the weak current year psychotic ones would survive on a low level and a few band together to be a threat via raids but in that sort of survival environment, the men would likely eliminate that sort of threat the first time they became a problem. The females would be camp followers and some least favored members of harems to the leaders or (eew!) used as gifts to lower ranking members of the group.

People with mental health issues who barely function today with all the padded guardrails on the western world would be 100% toast in a world where we were suddenly back in a pre-electric world.
You need to press "next line". Then cursor will move into "not marked" as is in this post.
I am.

I am doing the same thing I have done for years. Unless presumably that same thing is acting like a feckless thickwit...entirely possible
I am.

I am doing the same thing I have done for years. Unless presumably that same thing is acting like a feckless thickwit...entirely possible
Well, you can delete what you don't want to qoute. It you want to break qoute into several part, then previous advice applies.
If quotes or anything are being weird, just click the "[ ]" button to switch to BB code and then you have complete control over it all. Anything that behaves weirdly in the graphical interface is easily fixed when you view the formatting code.