I'mI don't want him to think in crazy lady and leave lol
I'mI don't want him to think in crazy lady and leave lol
I have Wild by Heart! Great book about understanding men. Hunter gatherers they are.Hmm never heard of those books
I have Wild by Heart! Great book about understanding men. Hunter gatherers they are.
You ever think that "crazy" is a quality. Sons n Daughters have always been considered crazyvto the world.
I don't want him to think in crazy lady and leave lol
Now that I can doHopefully you build the kind of relationship where that is not an option.
Start slow and ease into it. Just ask him about the polygamy in the OT and what he thinks about it and take it from there. If he seems to be getting irritated or upset about it back off.
I'm guessing that pointing out that he would be sleeping with two women is too low brow? The high minded approach is admirable and scripture study and hard nosed, clear eyed thinking is important but there's nothing wrong with adding some milk and sugar to your oatmeal.
Check out Kingdom Men by Tony Evans.
Haha, that's also how I started working on my first wife!My wife and I started the discussion after watching episodes of the TV show "Big Love". The TV show is mormon polygamy, but for the most part I enjoyed the show and it got the conversation started. From there I went to study it for myself in the Bible and reading various sites online.
Hey you mentioned your husband is good at biblical Hebrew.I don't want him to think in crazy lady and leave lol
Hey can you share a link for the audio?I just heard Dr. Tony Evans for the first time this morning in church, as he was the visiting pastor. He gave an incredible sermon on Kingdom Men and Kingdom Disciples. I came home to research him and look at his books. I plan to order both: "Kingdom Man: Every Mans Destiny, Every Woman's Dream" and "Kingdom Disciples".
Hey you mentioned your husband is good at biblical Hebrew.
If he's up for the talk, you might ask him to analyze for you the Genesis 2:24 "... therefore a man will leave his father and mother and cling to his woman and they will be one flesh." If you can work it in innocently (though surely he'll be on to you) ask about that Hebrew word underlying one.
I don't want to say much more because I want you to have plausible deniability if you are truly interested in this verse then you can truly ask him and let him be the source of the answerIn other words, so you aren't "leading" him but are "learning" from him.
We understand your heart sister, and being the middle child has its advantages to pulling things together...
You already have that going for you (God blessed you with your particular heart), where many in this world can't get past being just for the "Self" life
So... many can and will "like the romantic idea" of many spouses, but few can commit to giving up them"selves" fully, more than once, where even the full giving of self once, is a rare thing in all of society!
That boils down the real challenge: The toughest part to fulfilling plural marriage is not entering into it (anybody can easily claim it), but it is keeping the marriage focused solely on " giving your all, and being totally transparent with more than just one precious person", and never for what you can get from it, or how it can compliment an ego's portfolio!
As the numbers of truly married people increase in a ploy marriage, the rewards of more pure hearted love surpasses monogamous in an unfathomable expediential rate, but the challenges to overcome the increased numbers of "selves" is definitely much tougher than single or monogamous life!
The question is not so much "if you want this tremendous potential of love surrounding your life", but "are you strong enough to overcome your self perseveration, to give that much love away, without any expectations"?
Once you have truly overcome yourself, the next step is to overcome overwhelming masses of societies selves, and find your humbled soulmate(s)
In college my hope for this world seemed bleak (like my poem below), but I now know "God is a master of overcoming all the odds" if you're with & in Him:
The fear of competition
a plague for all mankind,
it’s more a heart condition
real Wisdom can’t deny.
The world is full of takers,
self-sustainers, opinions oh so high.
How can any fear our Maker?
Without a Parent all would die.
Why do masses hide in Masses
living lives they learn to hide,
donning souls with dark glasses
all consumed, with no answer why?
Ever notice who shrinks back
when conversation turns on high?
God is not your competition,
your Ego feeds you a lie.
I know this world is not my Home,
I’m simply passing through.
I know my fate is safe, but I worry;
What in Hell will you do?
Sadly, this world is what you have to sift through, but have faith... your soulmates are in there somewhere and the endless blessings are also there for sure!
How persistent are you to stay faithful, to sift through this world of selves: that is your biggest question at this point!
Many are called, but few are chosen and given the total humbleness to succeed....
That much said: true "Poly/Self Depravation/Faithful Co-Dependence" commitments in life, is as close to God's real heart as you can ever come on this earth!
(To prove the sad existence of what is in this world to sift through, look back and watch the reactions of the dark glasses...)
Just keep seeking wisdom and learning His will, and let it soften you...Getting past the "self" thought will be the hardest thing for me
May I gently say that if your husband is not drawn to this lifestyle, it may not be a good fit for him.I am here to love and support him. To the best of my ability.
Oh I understand that. Just because I'm for it doesn't mean he has to be. I love him either way. I love him for him. If I tried to force this on him it makes him into something that he is not and that isn't the man I love so yeahMay I gently say that if your husband is not drawn to this lifestyle, it may not be a good fit for him.
If he is not a good fit for it, he may try it just to please you.
You will rue the day if that happens, because it takes incredible commitment to do it well and it will fail if his heart and soul are not in it.