Greetings again!
Wow this topic just continues to grow into other areas. Again, I too am a God-fearing, Christ honoring, Submissive, Loving Helpmeet and Friend to my dh that the Lord has blessed me with! My main business, most important call on my life is the Biblical call of being a Biblically balanced & divinely ordered Keeper at Home. I love the Lord my God with All my heart, Soul & Mind and my dh just as much!!!

I do follow my dh in all things, and he has not asked me not to vote. Until he does or God convicts me otherwise, I will continue to do so. And continuing to have the approval of my dh in this area, we are going forth united in Christ to let our voices & votes for Christ to be heard & counted! So again, my first and most important honor in my life, is having the high calling of striving to be with God's help the Keep of our Home, and helpmeet and mother to our family that the Lord blessed us with!
I am a Proud Stay at Home Mom, whom the Lord has called to home school our precious children, training them in the ways of the Lord! Which my dh also supports and encourages me in this high calling. I too love serving the Lord, which includes serving him by voting for Godly issues and causes, thus enabling us All to be the Salt & Light that God calls us to be, to help fight the good cause of Godlyness to help defeat the evil in this world! I more importantly enjoy, appreciate, value & respect the lovely gift of being a keeper at home and serving my dh in our life together! As well as I enjoy & value all the Love, Joy, work, time, energy and prayer that goes into the lost art of motherhood. Just because I also see voting for Christ and Godly issues, that should concern and effect all of our Christian hearts enough to vote for things of the light/God's kinddom, as a valuable honor Does Not mean I value my Salvation, my marriage or family any less! Theres no meaningful or logical reasoning for anyone to come to that conclusion about me.
I am confident of who I am in Christ. Not with a worldly arrogant pridefulness, but with a Holy Spirit confidence of who God has created me to be!

I am in No way shape or form a liberal, rebellious Feminist. I highly doubt or see a Godly woman who votes the same as a feminist. After all, none of us who have the approval of our dh's to vote are encouraging anyone to run through the streets screaming: "I am woman hear me roar, while burning our bras in the process!" :lol: Thats quite a jump to make from one issue to the other. Through prayer and study, I just cannot see how voting is some slippery slope to a path of sinful destruction. Unless of course our dh's were to ask us not to vote anymore, and we wives continued to do so.
Besides if we truly want to be "Biblically Legalistic here," none of us women here at B.f's would be here posting in the first place, let alone reading the forums here or having any type of bible studies with their ladies groups, if it wasn't for God being the first true/balanced/loving liberater of women, combined with the good/healthy parts of the woman's sufferage in the first place!

As not all aspects of the woman's sufferage movement was completely bad or evil.
Also in bible times women were not allowed to be educated enough to even learn how to read, let alone go to college. So now are we living in sin because we've been allowed to be educated enough to read our bibles, read the posts here, and receive the college degrees that many of us here have received? Do we use credit cards, our ATM cards, checking accounts, pay the family bills, drive our own cars? All the banking/buying, social secruity number issues have been related to the same as taking the sign of the beast as well. Should we all quit having our quite time of daily bible reading and devotions and prayer time now as well, because after all true Christian women who lived in the bible era weren't allowed to be educated enough if at all, to then be able to read God's Holy words for us All. Is driving next?
It's Legalisim that can quickly become a slippery slope of self-rightegous indignation, harsh judements, pridefulness - thinking more highly of ourselves then we ought too. Do any of us keep all ten commandments perfectly in our lives? Are we not all sinners until the day we die? How dare we take on God's job and harshly & unfairly judge and condemn our sisters in Christ who are allowed to vote, with their dh's & God's approval. Each of us as individuals will one day have to answer to Christ for the personal convictions we chose to act upon in our life time, no one else. I will pray for all of my sisters in Christ to be able to respect their own personal calls that Yeshua has placed on their lives. To pray for God's will to be done in all of our lives, and not just our own perceived notions of truth to be done. Dare we say we have no sin in our own lives, then the truth is not in us. There is healthy/Godly convictions in this life. But for those of us who are in Christ Jesus, there is therefore No condemnation. Why don't we strive to be the Christian women that Yeshua calls us all to be, and give eachother a prayerful/heart-felt hand up, and not a hand out of holier than thou condemnation!

Lets do our best in Yeshua's Might & Power to each carry our own cross that He calls us too, and along the way have enough common sence to not burn our bras, or siding with the evil destruction of women & Christian families! Ya know - to walk the talk!
Warm Wishes for Yeshuas, Wisdom, Strength of heart, & Provisions,
Faithful (Not perfect) Servant