• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Greetings from Georgia

And a welcome from here in the midwest also. Post often, pray, and consider visiting a retreat when possible.
Marry Bill Paxon? I don't think so. He is completely uninvolved in his own family. He worries too much about sex and not nearly enough about his relationships with his wives. I think that all the wives are brats, but he could do so much more in being a family man.

Sorry, just my humble opinion. But just so you know, our hubby does better in half an hour phone calls every day than Bill Paxon did in an entire season.

Hmmm... You appear to have given this matter some serious thought, SweetLissa! ROFLOL!
considering that the show was written by a couple of gay fellers it is good that "bill" does as well as he does :D

and a belated but nonetheless warm welcome, Glory&TruthSeeker
Welcome. I met you on Facebook at Doc's suggestion. Thanks Doc. I am looking forward to hearing your testimony. We have much to share here in this group. I am certain that you will enjoy it.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
Welcome GTS,

I would marry Bill Paxton. Not from his character on Big Love but his character as Morgan Earp in the movie Tombstone.

I do enjoy the series Big Love. I think I identify more with the 1st wife, Barb; however when I took the survey it turns out I'm more like his 2nd wife, Nicki.

Anyhow, I hope your are find many great conversations here.

What does ROFL mean?

ROFL = Rolling On the Floor, Laughing
ROFLOL = Rolling On the Floor, Laughing Out Loud
LOL = Laughing Out Loud, obviously
ROFLMAO = Rolling On the Floor, Laughing My A-- Off

We American e-mailers seem to have a disturbing affinity for rolling about on the floor. :lol:

Thanks for clearing that up. I guess I'm just not that cool when it comes to computer lango.

I guess "rolling on the floor laughing" is better than FTOFFL - falling to the floor from laughing. :D

I know exactely where you lived in Guam. Agat was always concerned rough. Why I don't know, because I live 20 minutes away from Detroit. Agat looks like heaven compared to Detroit.
*grin* Actually, lived in Agana, across the street from Government house, then about halfway across the island on Cross Island. Workshipped mostly in Agat, which did indeed have that rough reputation. Worked at a variety of clients all up and down the island. Play? Didn't do much of that.

Once, when my wife made homemade bread, we took a fresh loaf over to the governor and his wife. Being neighborly, ya know. Methinks they were a bit flabbergasted, but the note we later got said they sure did enjoy it! *chuckle*

I know right where Agana is. I remember driving by the governor's house. That was a very nice gesture bringing bread over to the Gov. I lived on base at Anderson until I got married. Then my husband and I moved to a condo located in Harmen. It has been so long ago, that I have forgotten the names of the people we met there and places we went. At that time, I was young and wasn't practicing my faith. I was partying a lot, so there are many things that I've forgotten. :oops: I'm not proud of these things, but they definitely help when witnessing to people who think they aren't worthy of salvation.

goodness, did we ever go off on a tangent.
G&TS, i found your story interesting in that you had wondered what had happened to plural marriage and did not have the bias against it when it was brought up. it is wonderful to hear stories like this where YHVH is working underground and bringing truth to peoples hearts.
just taking a slight detour myself, i found while reading the english translation of the aramaic bible that the verse (king jim version) Mt.24:27 "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. does not refer to high speed lightning because it does not travel east to west. it is speaking of the dawning of the sun in the morning as it gets lighter and things become more clear. that is what we are experiencing, more and more light as his time to return gets closer. GLORY
i think that the relationship part is what i am looking forward to the most. there will be a depth and synergy "to live for" (as opposed to "to die for"). yes, it can be scary to contemplate but as we gear up for it, my wife and i now feel that something is missing without those extra relationships and we are like kids on christmass eve waiting for them. (yes, more than just one additional sisterwife)

i pray blessings upon your search as you go deeper with Him
steve said:
just taking a slight detour myself, i found while reading the english translation of the aramaic bible that the verse (king jim version) Mt.24:27 "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. does not refer to high speed lightning because it does not travel east to west. it is speaking of the dawning of the sun in the morning as it gets lighter and things become more clear. that is what we are experiencing, more and more light as his time to return gets closer. GLORY
I think you're seeing a little too much into the verse than what is there. For one thing, the passage is referring to the sudden appearance of Jesus being like the sudden appearance of lightening and how it is seen no matter where you are. Thus, don't follow a guy if he says Jesus is in a room or over somewhere. He is lying. If Jesus was there, you would see it and know it yourself and no one would have to tell you. For another, it does not say that the lightening is moving from the east to west, but shining. Meaning the lightening is not traveling, but the light from it appearing in the east can be seen from the west.

Welcome, girl. You are lovely and have a solid spirit. Having done the single mom thang myself for almost seven years, then meeting Steve, then coming into the understanding about biblical families, I can tell you that it has ben a wild ride, and entirely worth it!! Lord have mercy, we are never bored..... :lol:

The crew on this site is diverse with a capital D, and it is fun to watch folks morph into a community that is panting after the water brooks, ie Yeshua. May you find this place to be a safe one, even when folks get testy.

Blessings from 'bama,
Ali Elizabeth Turner

PS What part of GA are you from?
i see what you mean about the context, that meaning is the major thrust.
but i do feel that there may be another layer of meaning in that east/west thang, nothing to get hung up over though :)
that is a good link, lots of stuff to study there
(i hope that you do not mind that i shortened your name, your long "handle" is just so big for you) :)
Hi steve,

I think Itso is hilarious! Like a Japanese girl or a short boy nickname. I love it. Good baby name! ;)
Baruch Habah! Blessings of Adonai :D

Glory&TruthSeeker said:
Hello everyone,

I"m VERY new to the forum, however am very excited to be a part of such a wonderful group of Believers. Recently the Lord (Adonai) has lead me by His Grace to begin to look deeper into Biblical Polygyny. Although I myself am currently a single mom, I can not say at this point whether I would like to be in a Biblical Family Structure or not. I am NOT against it however. I believe that the Lord God (Yahweh) Blesses not only the Monogamist relationship but the Biblical Polygynist relationship as well. I am looking forward to learning more, and fellowshiping with each of you.

In His Service and Agape,
Glory and Truth Seeker

May you be BLESSED here. I have been led through Christianity to Messiah Yeshua and the Lord Yaweh as you have. We are a Canadian couple that is praying for a Biblical Family Structure.

may you find the peace of haSHem in your search here!
David And Rachael