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Home Birth

@windblown I am so happy you had such a great birth too! It makes such a difference in postpartum and looking forward to adding more to the tribe. :) thanks for sharing your birth story- I love hearing birthstories!
I just wanted to make a note on this thread about the 'fog' of labour from when I had Peter (8 days ago). Apparently while I was in labour, and also afterwards, I lost all sense of time and who I was. I felt like things were difficult. I felt like they took either a really long time or a really short time. I was wrong.
For example, after my waters broke I thought I had a few contractions, maybe 5 or so over 15 mins, and then was pushing, and that pushing took a super long time (for me), at least half an hour, maybe longer. Reality was that after my waters broke I laboured for another hour, with a lot of contractions in there, and then I pushed for 9 minutes, head was out, then the rest of him was out in another minute.
I also went into transition and felt like I was completely losing it. I wasn't panicking, but I was shaking and upset and totally overwhelmed. I've never had that before. I commented this to the midwives a few days ago, saying that I usually am super focused and determined at that point, not falling apart. They said that I was exactly that, fully focused, determined, in control, and not at all losing it.
I'm still processing all of that. What I felt was not reality, and I think it's important to note that even if in labour you feel like it's not going right and things are difficult, that it's actually all OK and your body is doing things absolutely perfectly like it should.
I will post more of my birth story from this labour in the future, but right now I'm still sorting it out in my brain and trying to grasp back onto reality in what is now the newborn fog :).
Isn't it funny how your mind gets lost in labor? Congrats on sweet baby boy.
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One thing I wanted to add is that when I had my twins the doctor did an episiotomy without even asking me. Afterwards that was the worst part of recovery was healing from the thing that was supposed to help! I never did that with my home births and my recovery time was about a month faster before I felt normal again.
Have any of you ladies had a home birth? Tips? Advice?
We are due to have a little one come next Spring and are planning a home birth. This is our second and I went natural last time, so I'm not worried- just excited!
I helped deliver my first granddaughter at home and it was wonderful! My daughter decided to go with the hospital for the next baby and it was so traumatic for him that this time she has decided to have this third one at home. Since I live so far away now I doubt if I will make it in time for the birth, but I’m really excited for her. :-) One of the best tips I can think of is to get a shower curtain and top it with one of the cheap eggshell mattress pads. Throw towels or old cotton blankets over this and you have a disposable birthing pad. Prayers for a safe birth!
This was so fun to reread as I’m preparing for my 3rd home birth in just a few weeks <3 just under 2 weeks before I am in the “safe” home birth zone for my midwife. Though, it will probably still be a month (+|-) or so before babe comes.
This was so fun to reread as I’m preparing for my 3rd home birth in just a few weeks <3 just under 2 weeks before I am in the “safe” home birth zone for my midwife. Though, it will probably still be a month (+|-) or so before babe comes.
I swear that went really fast. I would've said you were like 26 weeks or so lol.
I swear that went really fast. I would've said you were like 26 weeks or so lol.
Forty weeks goes really fast when it's someone else carrying the baby. :p:D;)

My friend Elizabeth is over half done with another pregnancy.
This thread is such a jot to read through! I’m 33 weeks with my sixth and these wise words were so needed today. Thank you ladies!

Congratulations on six wonderful babies! :)
MeganC and others (Jolene?), twin question for you: Can you tell when you’re pregnant with twins vs singles? I assume you’d feel double the movements but then I read of women who only found out with ultrasound confirmation. <<I’m about 22 weeks now and feel way bigger than normal. Plus I’m getting old ;)and know chance of twins increases with age.>>
I had twins for my first pregnancy and until I saw the doctor I had no idea it was twins partly because I had no other experience. I will say that when I had my second pregnancy I could tell the difference and just knew it was one baby and not twins. Mine were fraternal twin girls and I hear that's easier with hormones than if it's boys or a boy and a girl.
I could've sworn my last pregnancy was twins. By 12 weeks my fundal height was at my belly button which is not normal. Even midwife thought it was twins! But nope, just one in there. I have always wondered if I had an early miscarriage of just one though.
I was 11 centimeters big for the 17 (I think) weeks I was, so I suspected twins, it was triplets confirmed at 19 weeks with ultrasound.

The movement was crazy off the charts. Growth too. By 25 weeks I had 6 lbs of baby and looked 9 months.

You can get checked @windblown but then sometimes a midwife will not/cannot assist you. Ignorance may be better for "suprise" twin births.

I hope you have a healthy pregnancy no matter the number. :)
Right around 21-23 weeks my uterus always measures several weeks ahead. I think my babes have a bigger growth spurt then.. then all evens out and have only ever had one babe in there.
I doubt there’s two in there but was just curious about other's experiences. I don’t normally measure fundal height. Maybe sometimes if I get bored. ;) I guess those women took me by surprise by saying they didn’t notice extra movement. I figured it would be obvious.
I’ve always thought twins would be so fun to have, however, every pregnancy around 27 weeks until the end (when things start getting uncomfortable), I’m thankful there is only one in there lol.