@windblown I am so happy you had such a great birth too! It makes such a difference in postpartum and looking forward to adding more to the tribe.
thanks for sharing your birth story- I love hearing birthstories!

I helped deliver my first granddaughter at home and it was wonderful! My daughter decided to go with the hospital for the next baby and it was so traumatic for him that this time she has decided to have this third one at home. Since I live so far away now I doubt if I will make it in time for the birth, but I’m really excited for her.Have any of you ladies had a home birth? Tips? Advice?
We are due to have a little one come next Spring and are planning a home birth. This is our second and I went natural last time, so I'm not worried- just excited!
I swear that went really fast. I would've said you were like 26 weeks or so lol.This was so fun to reread as I’m preparing for my 3rd home birth in just a few weeks <3 just under 2 weeks before I am in the “safe” home birth zone for my midwife. Though, it will probably still be a month (+|-) or so before babe comes.
Forty weeks goes really fast when it's someone else carrying the baby.I swear that went really fast. I would've said you were like 26 weeks or so lol.
This thread is such a jot to read through! I’m 33 weeks with my sixth and these wise words were so needed today. Thank you ladies!