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How much should fashion matter?

I am a homeschooling of 3 children, stay at home Mom so I don't really have the time to get all dalled up and I personally don't want to. I am the woman who when I get up, pull my hair up and throw on some sweat pants and a comfy shirt. I am not though into any fashion and never wanted to. I may feel differently if I was in a line of work that called for it. Husband also does not like for me to wear makeup. When we go out, I will throw the mildest touches and that is it. Why make my life more complicated than what it is. :) Concerning what Foxlily said, I have seen Christian women at church that are dressed like they are going to a bar to hook up with a man. Sleeveless dresses that only cover their breasts and skirts that are so short and tight that you have to wonder how they can even sit down. It's really sad because I feel their should be modestly when attending church. This is a place of worship, not a bar. What's really sad and disappointing on a personal note is that my 12 yr old needed clothes and I could not find anything appropriate for her to wear. All the shorts were to short and they also had rips in them. It was pretty frustrating. Why do stores feel the need to promote this for young girls.
We dont go to church but I use to talk to the pastors daughter a bit...her mom the pastor's wife usually looks like she's ready to go to the bar -_-
She went to church in a painted on miniskirt and when she was getting out of the vevehicl it ripped up the side and she had to go home and change (her daughter was very embarrassed to say the least)
I totally understand the frustrations of not being able to find a good pair of shorts .
I just wear my mom shorts from when she was younger their modest and high-waisted.
If any one is interested I love taking immodest jeans, low cut tight, with a similar denim patterning and turning them into 1 long denim skirt. I'll cut apart the inner seam and use the legs of the other to fill in the gap. have to do a little sewing where the crotch used to be but it turns out a very nice long denim skirt. I usually have to trim it a little. It also rides higher than the original pants did. If interested and handy with a sewing machine just takes a couple hours. I use 2nd hand cheap jeans to do this. So it costs like 5 or 6 in the end... rockfox loves the look of them :) lol And super durable.
My father told me stories about the pencil skirts my mother used to wear lol I don't know WHY you would WANT to torture yourself. Anyway, it had flooded and Dad had to take Mom to work in a 4x4 truck. to get into the truck Mom had to shimmy the calf length skirt up to mini skirt length or she'd split the back seam! My father was ever practical so he watched this all with humor and didn't help her. lol He didn't have any trouble with her wearing it though.. sigh needless to say I was NOT modest like I am now as a teenager.
I dress modestly all the time, and especially at church. However my 17 month old just loves grabbing my collar and pulling my top down to look at my breasts while we're in the front row of church...
Does anyone else find it difficult to breast feed at church? I'm not breast feeding anymore, but I always found it hard because I wanted to be discrete, and baby sometimes takes a bit to latch on, or sometimes they're at the stage where they want to stop mid feed and look around lol. It never worried Samuel, because breastfeeding is natural and if someone saw my nipple then that was their problem, but it always worried me and I'd end up taking baby out.
I have the same problem. Rockfox encourages me to be comfortable with it. Some babies I could some I couldn't it simply depended upon how good the baby was about latch on. Often that depended on their age. A new little one.. definitely went out lol and the mid feed look around.. yup super frustrating. And the yanking stuff out of the way to see YOU and smile. lol I would make sure however that an older child is taught pulling my shirt down or up is unacceptable. Usually such behavior would start at home because it was allowed and considered ok because you're at home. You have to make sure he/she knows its NOT okay in any situation. I teach them to pat my chest if they are hungry and/or want to nurse. Getting felt up is a little better in regards to modesty HA!
The first time he did it was at church! He caught a glimpse of my bra down my top and decided he'd like to investigate what that garment was even further lol. I was quietly firm with him in church, and more firm when we got home and he tried to do it again. It's hard at church when they're little and you're trying to teach them to sit still while also keeping them occupied. Suddenly everything is interesting :rolleyes:.
As a side note, we've always taught our children to be quiet, sit still, and pay attention to up front during church. When my 2nd was a baby he had a hearing test, and they said I would have to take my toddler out of the room as he would be too loud. I sat him right next to the baby, told him he had to be completely quiet like we are in church, and he was silent for the whole time while they did the test. He was 21 months old at the time. The nurses were very surprised. You never know when that training that you do will come in handy!
Same with us. :) Decided just to be ornery that day.. lol they like to do that too.
I’ve always told my daughters that how they dress dictates what kind of man they attract. If you dress like a Whore then don’t be surprised when you’re treated like one (I of course tone that saying down for the girls). I don’t have a problem with pretty things, but as a mommy I don’t get wear them that often, and that’s fine with me.... although, sometimes a girls just got to put on her sparklies!

my friend once tried to talk me into buying a pair of $200 jeans, all I could picture was my kids wiping peanut butter hands down the front of them. :D As for makeup, sometimes I wear it but most of the time I don’t. Heck, I almost walked out the door in my pjs the other day, I got all the kids loaded into the van before my daughter goes “mom, I think you forgot to get dressed” :eek::confused::rolleyes:
Interesting to see the different attitudes here- some many people of so many different backgrounds on this site. I think spending time to look after the body, getting made up well, wearing nice clothes that show off a girl's natural beauty shows a professional attitude and gives someone a bit of confidence.
Personally, I believe if the inward person is whole happy and healthy (physically, spiritually and mentally) then the outward will reflect this. Modesty is not simply what one wears. Modesty has a deeper meaning then clothing. Modesty comes from an inward place of wanting to honor my Lord and my husband by not offering what is not available. I have known some people who dressed modestly on the outside but we incredibly ugly inside. I believe these verse talk much more about that the outward will always reflect what is happening inside.