I am a homeschooling of 3 children, stay at home Mom so I don't really have the time to get all dalled up and I personally don't want to. I am the woman who when I get up, pull my hair up and throw on some sweat pants and a comfy shirt. I am not though into any fashion and never wanted to. I may feel differently if I was in a line of work that called for it. Husband also does not like for me to wear makeup. When we go out, I will throw the mildest touches and that is it. Why make my life more complicated than what it is.
Concerning what Foxlily said, I have seen Christian women at church that are dressed like they are going to a bar to hook up with a man. Sleeveless dresses that only cover their breasts and skirts that are so short and tight that you have to wonder how they can even sit down. It's really sad because I feel their should be modestly when attending church. This is a place of worship, not a bar. What's really sad and disappointing on a personal note is that my 12 yr old needed clothes and I could not find anything appropriate for her to wear. All the shorts were to short and they also had rips in them. It was pretty frustrating. Why do stores feel the need to promote this for young girls.