Two thoughts:
See, this doesn't sound like a Good and Just Father to me. What kind of father would expect his children to obey him without first clearly laying down the law for them?
He is Good and Just. He has a unique relationship with each of his children. But, we each have to take our own, UNIQUE, steps to get there. Yours may be different. Mine, well, because I can be obtuse sometimes—yes, I need a little help. The Bible IS enough. Your husband can be enough. But, from what you’ve said before you either don’t think you’re experiencing a relationship with just you and Him or you’re not sure if you need one because Zec.
Here’s the thing... If your husband; following him, and that alone is leading you to and through a close relationship with Him that you aren’t questioning—then you’re doing it right.
My husband—he led me (and my SW) by deciding, “Hey, let’s do some studying together.” And you know what? By his leading, I am experiencing a relationship with God that I’ve never had before. It’s not fleeting. It’s hard. It’s difficult. Because sometimes I suck and make it more difficult than it should be.
You're right, it’s all clear in God’s Word. The answers are there. The point is—you find them. You. Make it personal. Whether that’s with your husband or just digging into scripture. Whether it's getting on a forum full of women who are bible-believing and asking them for opinions and what works for them, whether it's digging into a study by someone who has a way that works for THEM, or asking your husband what works for HIM. Just do it.
"Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that he rewards those who EARNESTLY seek Him". Herbrews 11:6 (emphasis mine)
Are you seeking Him?
"I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5
"Jesus replied: '"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and GREATEST commandment.'" Matthew 22:37-38 (emphasis mine)
"Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by my father, and I too will love him AND SHOW MYSELF TO HIM." John 14:21 (emphasis mine)
To answer your previous question about what a "love-relationship" looks like... All those verses I just stated. Is it "dumb" that I needed a bible study--and not just the Word--to get me into a better understanding of what these (and other verses) mean and how they apply to me? Is it ridiculous that I needed Henry and Richard Blackaby to get me to certain truths regarding what it means to REALLY be a servant of God?
I don't think so. I think God used friends from this forum, my husband, and this study to lead me to a place where I KNOW what God wants from me. It WAS all there from the beginning.
He DID lay everything out clearly. But, I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I need help. That can look like all kind of things. Actually..."need" is the wrong word. All I need is Scripture. But, there it is. It still works. It's still working.
It IS biblical to glean from your husband. And if you are getting all YOU need from just him alone... Then there's nothing else to say. If you're not sure... SEEK HIM. Seek him so hard.

The most bring-me-down-to-earth, shatter-my-heart verse most recently?
"He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God." John 8:47
I realized that I'm not hearing God. Well, I wasn't. No, I haven't heard God's "voice", as it were. But, I kid you not, I HAVE heard God since allowing myself to get OVER myself and SEEK Him.
You asked what that looks like, I think... Again, it's unique for everyone. But, for me, I'm reading my bible and something just clicks. And I realize that a certain verse or passage is God's way of speaking to me, directly, at that moment.
I've been a selfish creature. Selfish, hateful, and awful. I've hated poly, my husband, my SW and life, in general. And things got better. And then God spoke to me while I was teaching my children bible one day...
Phillipians 2: 1-8. I won't post it. But, basically, God was telling me to be more like Jesus. Stop being an ass and put others first. Love like Him.
That's just an example. But, I can tell you, God didn't speak to me through my husband that time. It was a one-on-one experience. Why? Because when He TRIED to use my husband I didn't listen.

My whole point to all of this...
We can all try to tell you what we do, how we do it...and that's not wrong.
1. It's going to look different for us all because God is SOOOO good that He is able to reach us all uniquely.
2. Whatever method we use to get closer to Him, may not work for you.
So, you've got several people on this forum that'll tell you "Experiencing God" is wonderful. For you, this may seem dumb. Why would you need this when you have a husband? Well, then use him!!! Let him bring you closer to your creator! Let him guide you in His ways. If that's all you need...GOOD!!! Then maybe you're just less stubborn than I am.