Hi everyone, I’m Deanne. My husband introduced himself on the gentlemen’s greetings area, so here I am introducing myself.
We met at church, and after seeing each other in bible studies and serving together in outreaches, started spending more time together. We became best friends, and six children later, are more in love, knitted together, than ever. We homeschool. We work. We laugh, hug, crash. Then get up and do it again!
Our marriage has blossomed greatly ever since Ray decided to drag my tired self out of bed every morning at very early hours

to study the Bible together. He’s an early morning person, who usually needs (or gets) less sleep than I. I was more of a night owl. But I prayed for years that we would have a one flesh spiritual life together. Little did I realize that two things were holding me back: my willingness to follow him at whatever time, even losing an extra hour of sleep, and my female ability to chat on and on, even about spiritual topics! So I learned to follow, thanking the Lord for His answers, and I actually learned to only share after we had each had a good amount of silent reading time, waiting (again) for his lead. Wow! Has God blessed us!
We had been studying marriage topically for nine months or so, in addition to our usual expository studies. We fairly quickly began to realize that polygyny, not just monogamy or celibacy, was among the biblical calls for believers. Whatever God wants to do in our family, we’re seeking Him. It sure has been amazing to read your discussions, to see that there are, indeed, real Christians living a polygynous life in faith. I look forward to getting to know you all.