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General Kristen from...everywhere 😂 currently in Idaho

Shalom and welcome.
I have book worm problems 😂 I like them all. I love historical fiction as a personal joy but as a kid and now again with my kiddo adventure books are so much fun. We read 3,000 leagues and he loved it it was a fun year for us. I haven't been able to find one that interests him like that one did. I tried journey to the center of the earth but it didn't hold his attention as much.
Try searching for boys adventure as a genre in general terms.
PS> And my favorite author as a child, Robert A. Heinlein, wrote a whole series of SF books for boys. I still remember many of 'em.

"Have Space Suit, Will Travel,"
"Red Planet"
"The Star Beast"
"Between Planets"
"Rocket Ship Galileo"
"Space Cadet"
"Farmer in the Sky"
"The Rolling Stones"
"Podkayne of Mars"

and perhaps my favorite ('stobor') - "Tunnel in the Sky"
Mine as well. I was reading all of heinlein's stuff very early as well.

Might try have spacesuit on him soon.
Book suggestions for kids
"Chronicles of Narnia" by CS Lewis
"Wingfeather Saga" by Andrew Peterson
Hatchet and other books by Gary Paulsen are also nice stories for boys.
I have book worm problems 😂 I like them all. I love historical fiction as a personal joy but as a kid and now again with my kiddo adventure books are so much fun. We read 3,000 leagues and he loved it it was a fun year for us. I haven't been able to find one that interests him like that one did. I tried journey to the center of the earth but it didn't hold his attention as much.
Same! My family loves reading books together. It was one of my favourite things growing up. I'm not too sure these are what you are after but you can look into some and try any out that interest you. I'm sure I could think of more but this is a lot.

For younger audiences I quite enjoyed "The Boxcar Children," "The Chronicles of Prydain," we actually read "The Lord of the Rings," "Chronicles of Narnia," "Flying Flea Callie and Me," "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle," "Beyonders" anything by AVI or Gale Carson Levine. My mom has been reading "The Railway Children" to my siblings. The Oz books are really good. "The Little Prince" "The Princess Bride," books by Mark Twain, The girls in my family like the "Little House on the Prairie" series and "Anne of Green Gables" but I'm not sure that's the kind of thing most boys enjoy
For somewhere in-between: "Mistborn," "Riddle Master of Hed," "Calico Captive," "The Emperor's Soul," "Steelheart" "The Mask of Zoro" "Dracula" "The Phantom of the Opera" "Enders Game" Old grimms tales and a few SciFi books that have stories like "Sanity" "The Most Dangerous Game"
For Older audiences "Les Miserables" (My brother and I both read it at 13 so it depends), "The Count of Monte Cristo" even my brothers enjoy "Pride and Prejudice"

Historical Fiction Favourites of mine:
Anything by Dapne DuMaurier (actually her "Glassblowers" is just her family history), "Calico Captive," "The Witch of Blackbird Pond," I guess "Crispin and the Cross of Lead" may count as historical fiction, "Les Miserables" "Wuthering Heights"
I love historical fiction as a personal joy
Have you read The Work and the Glory series?
If you like the lds church you would probably love them.
My family loves reading books together. It was one of my favourite things growing up.
I used to read to my sisters. I have also read a lot to my husband (10 1/2 hours one day when we found a book we liked)...but not because he can't read. He also reads books to our children and ours have loved hearing daddy read Louis L'Amour western novels. He wrote great adventure stories....and even if there is a bit of romance....it's the sort of tellin' of it that you can read ta yer youngsters without any creative text changing (if you know what I mean). I prefer that type of story myself.

They also liked James Harriot's storries....and maybe our favorite tall tale (or stretched tale perhaps) biography type are books by Ben K. Green. He wrote about horse trades....and rounding up wild horses and cattle.....and being a vet in Texas. Highly recommend his books.
Forgot to add! I want book suggestions, books on raising boys AND good Fiction series to read to my kiddo.
The Ender books by Orson Scott Card (he is LDS I believe) are great.
The Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander (most famous one is The Black Cauldron) are excellent.
Welcome to the forum! I have to say @Joleneakamama and @Ruth Elizabeth both had excellent suggestions (except for the awful Wuthering Heights 🤮 ). Paulson's books are great and not too complicated for someone that young, inspirational for a young man. I loved Lloyd Alexander's books when I was a boy, along with all of C.S. Lewis' works.

Ralph Moody's books are great for boys "Little Britches" is a good one, so are the rest.
I remember reading Gilbert Morris' "Bonnets and Bugles" series when I was young. Those would probably be exciting and fun.
Welcome! Thanks for the great intro. I hope you find some good things here.
The Ender books by Orson Scott Card (he is LDS I believe) are great.
The Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander (most famous one is The Black Cauldron) are excellent.
Good recommendation.
Hi! Just dipping in to introduce myself. It's so nice to find a group of believers practicing biblical marriages and openly talking about it together to support!❤️
I'm not sure how much to actually share about myself, I'm a single mother with a 5 year old boy. I'm a bit of a gypsy and have lived in 17 different states but I'm currently in Idaho. Outdoorsy- if I'm acting crazy I probably just need to go camping. And I maybe qualify as an Urban homesteader...not sure what it takes to get my official club card.

I lived poly & biblical briefly (1 yr) as a second wife, I am divorced from that situation, but still believe polygyny is blessed by God and look to set up a traditional home (with the man I'm courting if it works out) and teach my son those values which is especially challenging, teaching him the role of a good man in the home, and teaching him to be a godly man without making him the man of my home...teaching him there is a hole there but somehow also show we are not lacking joy...etc.

I am actively LDS so sisters please holla if you are, we are a rarity and I would love friends. Especially if you are LDS AND headcover I'll be your clingy best friend lol.
I have also studied and keep pieces that resonant with me of Torah Observant, and the Quran. For me Abrahamic promises are the key of truth hence my pull to Mormonism.

That being said I really am just looking for community of people living the day to day in these biblical values from all flavors of belief in them to learn from.
I was so busy in the sauna I didn't notice your post stranger ;P (calm down folks, this is my way of letting her know I know who she is and she knows who I am haha).