Greetings & Blessings Ladies,
It is such an awesome blessing to have this forum, with the honor of growing in the Lord together as Sisters in Christ!

And with that honor comes the responsibility of encouraging, supporting, trusting, and at some seasons - "Speaking the Truth in Godly Love with each other as well." I'm thankful that we all have had plenty of practice at growing in the art of speaking the truth in love with each other, through each of our own personal learning & growing journeys here.
I know that through the past year that I've been here among you wonderful ladies, that I've learned so much and God's Holy Words have just opened up to me, and come alive in my heart & mind like never before. I feel as though "my dry spiritual bones," have had an awesome time of Refreshing here!

So I'd just like to thank you all for sharing your testimonies, your hearts, advice & book recommendations. We each as members of the body have been gifted with different talents, experiences & learned wisdom. That is what makes the body fit together and work beautifully in God's plan. We each have a different job to do in His Kingdom. We each are able to bless others on some level with the different gifts and talents given us, that we are then able to help further His Kingdom.
So as we journey together, part of the job of sharing wisdom requires recommendations and warnings towards any unbalanced, unsafe, false & dangerous teachings that may be floating around out there in this big world. But not without each of us taking any & all concerns to God in prayer first & foremost for what He'd have for us. Especially since we're all at different places/seasons within our own personal walks of faith with Jesus. And with that said, I'd just like to thank all of you who have been sharing wisdom regarding these book recommendations as of late.
I do agree with and see both sides, praises & concerns about Ms.Pearl's book that both Marley and Becca have shared with us. Marley, thanks again for recommending the book: "The Surrendered Wife," as I've heard good reviews. I would like to read that one next. Becca, thanks for pointing out that within the realm of younger ladies or ladies that are "new in Christ," without any previous training, knowledge or wisdom/life experiences as a Christian wife or mother, that yes Ms.Pearl's book "Created to be His Helpmeet," could be very daunting, dangerous & confusing information to take in. I guess that with these particular situations, I would maybe recommend reading this book with an older & more seasoned Christian if you will. To help bring Godly- balanced order & correction in regard to some of Ms.Pearl's twisting of scripture, advice, etc.
Anywho, I myself am very much looking forward to the next meeting/study session of the current book that we're going through!

As I look forward to the lovely time of fellowship because of the study. I hope that you all will have a chance to get in on this wonderful study & time of fellowship. Take care and continue on the path that God has placed each of you on, finding direction, wisdom & His Peace & Joy along the way!
Warm Wishes,