Welcome Gypsy!
It's nice to have ya here on B.F. Wyoming must be beautiful, my dh and I would like to take a trip out there/out West one day with our three boys. My eldest just turned 18 this past winter, and is going to take some community college classes for a while and then go into the military next summer or fall. Our second son is 12 and our 3rd precious kiddo is 8 turning 9. We had hopes of making the trip earlier in their lives, but oh well God must have better plans down the road. How long have you lived in Wyoming? And Michelle is right, what a change from NY. was it, to Wyoming?!
Would love to hear how you and your dh met, and how God put both you & your dh in agreement about pm. My dh still isn't sure that it's right for him or our family, as he claims his un-dying love and devotion to me alone. He has discussed a little with me, and see's the possible benefits to us all, but says in his heart he's a one woman man. But again he does go back & forth with his feelings on all of that. He has been discussing it more with me, but nothing deep if you will. He just keeps it at the surface level of conversation, but will discuss it with me if I bring it up. As I'm learning and striving to be the Biblical Submissive Helpmeet to my dh, I'm trying to wait for my dh's lead in this as in all things. Would love to hear your shared testimony of how you dh came to agree with pm, does he now feel led of God to seek out a poly family?
Well where you currently live, sounds like a beautiful place to have a poly family!

In seeking out a sw, just wondering if age has any bearing on your choices? I have a sister your age and one who just turned 50, turning 51 this winter as I just turned 41 this spring, and I also have an older sister who's 56. It would be nice if dh and I ever both get the firm conviction calling from Yeshua to seek out a poly family, to seek out possibly a younger sw than me. I'm 6yr's younger than my dh, but he said he'd possibly consider having more children if we had a younger sw. I'm 41 and he's 46, and we do consider having maybe one more between us. I'm willing to do whatever God calls me to in that area, and would be happy to help my dh and sw raise, love, encourage and train more of my dh's children in the ways of the Lord for Yeshua's kingdom. But anywho, Welcome & Yeshua's Blessings to you and your family!!!!

I look forward to hearing more of your testimony and all of us having the chance to know you better. Enjoy what's left of summer, and happy trails.
Faithful Servant