In the same way, wives and children bear the responsibility of the husband's actions. If he isn't a leader acting in the best interest of his family, they suffer. To own is a great responsibility.What isn’t recognized nowadays is ownership. Ownership of the family, starting with the wife/wives.
With ownership comes responsibility.
No man should correct another man’s wife. If there is a problem that needs to be addressed, go to her owner. She, and everything that she does, is his responsibility. But Yah’s method of dealing with things isn’t taught today. That doesn’t prove that it doesn’t exist.
The husband is responsible for what his family does, even if society doesn’t recognize it.
On a forum such as this, though, there is no male nor female. Of course we will be a bit gentler with females (hopefully) but statements made will stand on their own, open to direct correction/criticism.
Which I suppose most men today seem to prefer to "rent" in a sense....