@RainyLondonFog , I was wondering if you got any answers? Praying for you.
Hello! Sorry I didn't update sooner! Thank you for praying!!
Well I went in and it wasn't too busy so I picked out my groceries and got in her line. I left the line once because I did honestly forget something but it also gave me opportunity to gather up some more courage. I got in line again. I was trying to be the last one in line so there's be no one watching but after the first person accepted my offer of going ahead of me, the second one did not and I was boxed in. So I decided well it's now or never so when it was my turn I said something like "Hey I just wanted to ask you if I did anything yesterday to offend you, or anytime in the past because if so I'll make it right." And she was startled and said "Yesterday? What happened yesterday?" And instead of using it as a time to point out what she did I just said "Another customer in line said they thought our interaction was tense so I wanted to know if I had done anything." What had happened was my mom went in front of me, bought her items and her items were bagged by the cashier. When it was my turn, she was short with me and didn't bag my groceries but walked away leaving my mom and I to bag them even though she had other customers in line. She has snapped at my kids and once even took my daughter's starbucks out of her hand and threw it away (without being asked) because the squeak of the straw was annoying her. But anyway, I didn't bring up all that. She just looked at me and was like "Oh! No I don't remember what happened but you're good!" And bagged my groceries.
Today I was in there and I was at a line with a different cashier and the one I had confronted came up and (while not directly talking to me but to the other cashier) was nice and friendly. So I felt like maybe it was the first step to being normal.
As a side note Slumber thinks she probably does remember being not nice to me, but now that I've called her on it will be making an effort to be nice. So far that's proved true and I'm relieved not to be feeling unwelcomed if I end up seeing her or being in her lane.