Shared Faith and Moral Belief Structure - A house divided itself will not stand.
Biblical Patriarchal and Submission Understanding and Mindset - This mindset goes against most everything taught by Feminism, Egalitarianism and most all of mainstream society. It allows for polygyny to both make sense and able to be embraced to its maximum most beautiful potential. This flows into...
Aligns with Husbands/Patriarchs vision for family unit and...
Willingness to use individual skills and talents as a helpmeet to husband
Brains/Common Sense
Sobriety - Physical, and striving towards mental and emotional.
Self Improver - Someone who has taken upon themselves to grow, heal, and better themselves without relying on anyone else to fix them.
Love kids and want to have their own
Attractive to Husband - This is Physical, but also personality and inner beauty.
Misc etc. - Hard working, honest, willing to learn, etc.
Now that those basic ideals are out are some random traits which come to mind.
No narcissists need apply
Sheep wrestling/wrangling - experience preferred but not required, only willingness to jump right in.
Open to off grid/Little House on the Prairie lifestyle
Green thumb/Gardening experience a major plus (Wish I had this trait!)
Bookworms welcome
Tin Foil Hats - Bring your own
Understand the word Based
Shock people by stance on Women Voting
Basic Car maintenance knowledge
Marrying Gaston rather than the Beast (Kids, dog, guns, hunting, eggs...and etc involved) Willing to elaborate on why this is a positive thing.
Could go on but will stop there for now.