How did your husband marry another woman?
After about 20 years of being open to the idea he hired a friend of a friend to do secretarial work from home. She was a single mom and appreciated being able to be home with her son...and still pay bills.
She started coming on Saturdays as her son liked playing with our kids, and then she also came down to help with stuff she was interested canning peaches in 2021.
She got to know the whole family, and over time I brought up our beliefs relating to polygyny and expressed a positive view of the benefits.
After about a year my dear hubby had heard her say she wasn't seeing anyone, and he asked her to go hiking with him. She said yes. About ten days later they went for a walk after dinner and started talking serious.
They talked about her being part of his family. He told her to take all the time she needed to decide. Just a couple days later she said she was sure this was what she wanted.
Did you have a ceremony that was just under God?
I told them that it was up to them. I was happy to help with a wedding....but I also told them God is the witness of their relationship and if they didn't want a wedding that was fine too. There was something here to upset most everyone. Age difference, he was her boss, he was already married.
They couldn't think of really anyone who would be happy and supportive he just privately put a ring on her finger. Our ten year old daughter saw that when they came home....and smiled non stop for over an hour!
They had been spending time together at home. No one bothered them out pulling weeds in the garden. Lol I would get cute reports from the little one (she was 4) telling me they were holding hands....or touching foreheads.
Did you create your own marriage certificate or like a contract?
The common and understood belief and intent is the contract. The marriage is also recorded in the Bible.
Not legally.
Her son already knew his name. It has not been changed.
Do the SW's children take the name of the father even?
Has it been difficult to share children/your husband's seed? Like him procreating with someone other than you?
Nope. I looked forward to being able to share life with another mom who was part of the family. I wanted a permanent friend to build a relationship with. I LOVE seeing the tender looks, hand holding, snuggles. Love seeing that man of ours hold his new little girl. Love seeing her be a mama again.
Does it complicate things for the kids?
We have adult children. The subject was a hard one for our daughter in law before they married. She can see this is good for us though, and believes God had His hand in bringing it about. She accepts my sw and her children as family, and treats her as a friend.
Our second son has chosen to see this as a filter...not a liability. He wants someone who wants truth... and will submit to the truth. He is a fine man and I hope and pray his willingness to speak and stand for truth will be rewarded. He loves his new baby sis and shows off pictures.
So yes, it complicates life....but being peculiar does. We were already ways people really seem to appreciate. Our children are liked and in demand for work...known to be willing and able help.
Anyone here grow up in a polygamist family?
Nope, but my parents believed it was moral, and I later learned some of my childhood friends were being raised in polygynous homes.
are you searching for it now or living it now?
Living it now. ...but only for about a year. Getting ready to go to the family reunion for the second time with our new additions. They got welcomed with hugs last year. I love my family!
Polygyny is really just more loved and trusted family.
Poly math is 1+1=1 +1=1 +1=1
It may reveal areas in your thinking or heart that need to be changed. It may reveal areas in your relationship with your hubby that can be improved. It gives you a crazy new and nice opportunity to live the golden rule!
I think it gives the women opportunities for friendship and support that go way beyond what any other friend could do.
I used to joke about it being a job share....but seriously... it is a life and heart share too!
I am beyond blessed to have a sisterwife that I admire, respect, and love. She is sweet and beautiful inside and out. We have some crazy stuff in common too, and get along well. I trust her completely and love that she is here....and loves our family. Our five year old claims her....she told me months ago she has two moms!
I really believe more people would choose this....if they knew how it could be.