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The View From Behind Jericho's Wall

Matthew 18:15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. 16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 17;And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.
Since you clearly don't believe that Biblical instructions don't apply to you, as evidenced in your repeated lies that are glaringly obvious to anyone paying attention, and your inappropriate methods of conflict resolution, I will not bother to defend myself before a heathen.

I will, however address the members of the body of Christ who might view this.
I disagree with what IndianLife said "If you are real, and living with an unconvicted murderer who also happened to be a criminal for 30 years and avoided persecution and is now fostering children for the government, you need to turn him in. Full stop. The children also need to be removed from the property." I think it's a bit much.

However, he's not a heathen for publicly posting about something you publicly said under one of the threads. Maybe he should have done it under another thread, but he neither you or he has brought it up before one or two witnesses or the heads of the church and therefore you shouldn't quickly write him off for that and then turn and address everyone else as brethren. And if you have problem by these scriptures you need to take one or two witnesses and have them hear between the two of you, and if he neglects that then you need to bring him in front of the church and then if he refuses to do that then you may consider him a heathen.

We are online, not in person. No one has seen you or your family. If there are what appear to be discrepancies it is normal to call things into question though it may be better to do so either in private or in a nicer way. Everyone has to question at first if a person is real or not, that's why we even have tags under our names. I wouldn't be offended if people questioned if I was a real girl, &c online I had just happen to think I appear genuine enough. If your wives would like there is a women's chat on Tuesdays last I knew where they can chat with other women, get to know each other, receive support, etc. It's also how you can get tags like *real person.* From what I know a green "real person" is if you go to a retreat while a yellow "real person" tag is if you have been seen on video call.

I don't get why you would say "Death Match" and not expect some people to think it's a literal death match. I have never been to a fight, I am learning about this second-hand from you. (Some christians I know wouldn't even support boxing because they think it's bad, let alone actually attend a real fighting match). You say death match and I shouldn't be expected to know it is anything but that. Sure it hadn't necessarily clicked about whether you had killed anyone or until someone else brought it up, but I do believe people can repent so if it was true I would expect that was the case.
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I disagree with what IndianLife said "If you are real, and living with an unconvicted murderer who also happened to be a criminal for 30 years and avoided persecution and is now fostering children for the government, you need to turn him in. Full stop. The children also need to be removed from the property." I think it's a bit much.

However, he's not a heathen for publicly posting about something you publicly said under one of the threads. Maybe he should have done it under another thread, but he neither you or he has brought it up before one or two witnesses or the heads of the church and therefore you shouldn't quickly label him as a heathen for that and then turn and address everyone else as brethren. And if you have problem and call him a heathen, by these scriptures you need to take one or two witnesses and have them hear between the two of you, and if he neglects that then you need to bring him in front of the church and then if he refuses to do that then you may consider him a heathen.

We are online, not in person. No one has seen you or your family. If there are what appear to be discrepancies it is normal to call things into question though it may be better to do so either in private or in a nicer way. Everyone has to question at first if a person is real or not, that's why we even have tags under our names. I wouldn't be offended if people questioned if I was a real girl, &c online I had just happen to think I appear genuine enough. If your wives would like there is a women's chat on Tuesdays last I knew where they can chat with other women, get to know each other, receive support, etc. It's also how you can get tags like *real person.* From what I know a green "real person" is if you go to a retreat while a yellow "real person" tag is if you have been seen on video call.

I don't get why you would say "Death Match" and not expect some people to think it's a literal death match. I have never been to a fight, I am learning about this second-hand from you. (Some christians I know wouldn't even support boxing because they think it's bad, let alone actually attend a real fighting match). You say death match and I shouldn't be expected to know it is anything but that. Sure it hadn't necessarily clicked about whether you had killed anyone or until someone else brought it up, but I do believe people can repent so if it was true I would expect that was the case.
Thank you for your kindness. I don't know if I'm missing something but I did try to edit the "heathen" comment but couldn't find an edit button. There was also another place that I realized sounded more confrontational than intended and I apologize for that oversight. If I could find an edit button I would take it back, literally.

I don't blame anyone for thinking death match means death match literally, we moved into another topic before I could explain. I was only trying to explain, not insult anyone. I didn't get a chance to clarify on the podcast on that and a couple of other things. I wish I had and Rob and I discussed rectifying that this morning.

Blessings to you and your family
If he is an enforcer for a biker gang,
Was, over 30 years ago, not is currently. There was never a felony conviction except one that was overturned and expunged. There wasn't even a misdemeanor in our state except one that was expunged. He briefly said that he stayed on the bad side of those people because he refused to commit the heinous crimes or have conflict with anyone who wasn't a gang member. He pretty much just defended the boss from other gangs.

Keep in mind he was trying to fit 35 years into a 90 minute podcast. Trying to remember things from as much as 35 years ago after hundreds of head injuries. And has lost a large portion of his hearing and some of his voice because of injuries. At the end you even hear him offering to talk more beyond the time that was scheduled. This was because he felt that he hadn't covered some important details and had left some things hard to understand. For example Angie was only given one or two mentions and he was troubled by that. He was troubled that he hadn't been able to fully explain our journey to finally understanding what YHWH wanted from us and that exciting moment when we figured it out. There were other things but he accepted that he should have watched the time more closely and we had faith that thing would work out. Perhaps God moved you to make this post to give us the opportunity to clarify some things

why is a judge letting him take children that aren't his, that are headed into the system (one for assaulting an elderly woman for drugs?),
The boys were stealing drugs from their custodial grandmother. She asked for help. In order to help Jericho needed the ability to sign them into school, take them to counseling appointments etc. The solution was for the grandmother to petition the court for joint custody between herself and Jericho. She agreed that if the boys did not improve their behavior she would press charges. We busted our butts to avoid telling her that they wouldn't be reformed and through the grace of God it worked out.

to live in his co-ed dormitory on the farm that his farm manager lives in?
The farm manager is also a youth counselor and drug counselor. We hired him as a farm manager and he does the counseling for little or no pay.

We call it a dormitory but a duplex with very large bedrooms would be a more accurate description to someone who hasn't seen it.

The counselor (Heaven forbid that a farm manager be a decent human being) lives on the boys side in his own bedroom. Two boys have their own bedroom. One boy's mother sleeps on the girls side currently until she and her son find their own place or we move them into a house.

The girls side has the above mentioned mother, who is a widow in a bedroom. The little girl that was mentioned that her mom is missing since August and was just recently declared dead has a bedroom. The little girl's grandma who is also a widow has a bedroom.

And what was the bit about the prostitutes? That seemed random and rambling.
He did ramble. It was because we were communicating with him using sign language. We were asking him if he was sure that was a good topic. He realized it wasn't and as a result he started fumbling his words.

And are there 4 kids or 14, that was unclear.
I have no idea where you got 14, it would be easy to mistakenly think someone said fourteen when they actually said 4. It would be extremely unlikely that someone would tell a story with that much of a discrepancy.

Also, are there 4 or 6 women, because he claimed both at different points?
He said that he provides spiritual covering for two women with whom he has no intimate, sexual or romantic relationship. Refer to the two widows above. That is biblically prescribed. Many people believe that the command to care for widows and orphans doesn't apply to them . We believe it applies to us and we believe it means more than offering them a ride to church or a sandwich.

If you were genuinely confused I hope this was helpful.

For those with a hardened heart I'm sorry that you feel that way. It makes zero sense that we would spend hundreds of hours concocting a story complete with a large cast of diverse characters with individual stories, hundreds more hours learning enough scripture to not look foolish when talking to large numbers of people that have not only studied the Bible but also have the gift of discernment, still hundreds more hours giving testimony and hundreds more offering counsel to those that ask. Then present the fruits of those thousands of hours to lots of people who are Polygynous, are Bible scholars or have the gift of discernment. In other words the community most likely to see through a lie.

Then in return we get ..... Wait for it ....... Absolutely nothing except some fellowship. Actually we get the rewards from our heavenly Father but surely you don't think he would reward liars.

"You will know them by their fruit". He was a terrible man by his own admission many years ago and his fruit was not good. Ask around. You will likely find many people that we have helped and you will find nobody that we have asked for one dime, not Amazon gift cards, not venmo or PayPal, not even a McDonald's coupon. If someone says otherwise pray for that discernment and you will know them by their fruit because they are lying.

If you want, we can pretend this conversation never happened. I understand that it's hard to comprehend something that you never witnessed. I understand that the Father has given us an inordinate amount of blessings. I understand that our husband has faced tribulations that most could never imagine and he lived a very troubling life. I don't fault you for having some doubts.

Now that those doubts have been explained I hope that we can be friends. Otherwise we have nothing more to discuss. We prefer to share love with our brothers and sisters and save war for HaSatan.
Hey! There are a ton MORE of us that were not questioning the story as presented... Stick around and do not be discouraged!!! Your stories were moving to many of us that did not speak up verbally (lol textually??) but we would hate to see you leave! May you feel the shalom!!!
I don't know if I'm missing something but I did try to edit the "heathen" comment but couldn't find an edit button. There was also another place that I realized sounded more confrontational than intended and I apologize for that oversight. If I could find an edit button I would take it back, literally.
After you have used the site long enough I think you get an edit button

(I also thought I sounded too confrontational sorry everyone!)
I don't blame anyone for thinking death match means death match literally, we moved into another topic before I could explain. I was only trying to explain, not insult anyone. I didn't get a chance to clarify on the podcast on that and a couple of other things. I wish I had and Rob and I discussed rectifying that this morning.
Well now everyone on here knows it's not supposed to be literal
What about the death match? Presumably, he murdered the other man to have won the prize that became his windfall. Does this not concern you?

I'm going to be blunt since no one else will, this all sounds entirely made up and I'm starting to strongly doubt there are even any women. The fight sounds like someone watched Bloodsport and was like "yeahhh, Frank Dux told that tall tale and a movie got made, I will too!" All last night's YouTube live was missing was the time he had to outrun Rosco P. Coltrane with his cousin Bo Duke while trying to stop a nuclear attack as a secret squirrel operator for the President. To any outsider it felt like someone took a half dozen movies and tv shows and borrowed from all of them stating "yeah, that sounds like it could be my life". Combine that with the faceless interview and coming out of nowhere hitting polygamy circles hard trying to share the Hollywood blockbuster of a life...

If you are real, and living with an unconvicted murderer who also happened to be a criminal for 30 years and avoided persecution and is now fostering children for the government, you need to turn him in. Full stop. The children also need to be removed from the property.

I'd like to point out that in your ignorance you called someone something that they are not.

If you knew the story or if he said it or not. He did not murder anyone. It was in self defense because he tried to drop and walk away from the fight, but I don't think that is really what your problem is. You're mad, jealous or envious about something and should self reflect before you go casting stones.

Before anyone casts any stones, ask questions instead of making assumptions.

Understand that this guy has experience that many of us and possibly none of us have.
You can either glean wisdom to hopefully add to your own or continue in ignorance. The call is strictly yours.

Again, let him who has not sinned cast the first stone!
I'd like to point out that in your ignorance you called someone something that they are not.

If you knew the story or if he said it or not. He did not murder anyone. It was in self defense because he tried to drop and walk away from the fight, but I don't think that is really what your problem is. You're mad, jealous or envious about something and should self reflect before you go casting stones.

Before anyone casts any stones, ask questions instead of making assumptions.

Understand that this guy has experience that many of us and possibly none of us have.
You can either glean wisdom to hopefully add to your own or continue in ignorance. The call is strictly yours.

Again, let him who has not sinned cast the first stone!
Based off the information that was given, @IndianaLife didn’t jump to an unreasonable conclusion.

At best the language used was as extremely inaccurate. We were told that it was a “death match” and then we were told that death matches were extremely safe, professional affairs characterized by a profound mutual respect.

There’s a disconnect there between the description and the definition. It’s not unreasonable for someone to point that out.
I don't get why you would say "Death Match" and not expect some people to think it's a literal death match.

I agree. Because as you are demonstrating here there's a big difference between a Death Match and a "Death Match".

Those little quote marks communicate a metaphorical meaning. Kind of important to remember that so humorless people from a three letter agency don't show up at your door with uncomfortable questions about your recent trip to Mexico. ;)