Motive, though, is always a challenge for investigators if they want to find the path to the “who.” You don't win a legal case by proving motive, but it helps to bolster your case (note: I'm not a lawyer) in the court of public persuasion.
Nobody disputes WAT happened: destruction
Nobody disputes WHEN it happened: 9/11/01
Nobody disputes WHERE it happened: downtown Manhattan
Nobody disputes HOW it happened: some combination of fire/explosion (not a laser beam from planet Zorg)
In the case of 9/11, EVERYONE agrees that it was a conspiracy. It wasn't a lone, schizophrenic rampage.
The official report was Islamic terrorists related to Al Quaeda. Now, if you don't believe the official report, and blame others than the highjackers and their conspiracy, then you have to offer up an alternative, or offer up that the Islamic highjackers were part of an even more elaborate, grand conspiracy than even they were unaware of.
If you want others to believe your alternative, motive is a HUGE piece of investigation and persuasion.
That leads us to the profession of the criminal Profiler. Each of us has a huge amount of data in our brains, that comes from past experiences, to help us form our reality (some call it our gut intuition). The Profiler uses a similar pattern of hard data and statistics, then psychology to form a "profile" of WHO might be responsible for a crime. Whether we are a "sheeple or nut job" or profiler, we take past reality and try to form a present explanation. But that isn't always so reliable. Sometimes the "profile" just doesn't match, no matter how convinced we are based on past experience.
Example 1)
Unibomber and DC Sniper.
Everyone could tell the what, where, how, when. The elusive part was "who". To find the "who", there was a whole lot of asking "why". I don't think it's unreasonable to ask "why" if someone hasn't exactly got a "who".
In the end, both the Unibomber and DC Sniper were not who the experts had predicted.
Relying on what we think a structure should do based on design, engineering, and past evidence, is no guarantee that it will always perform the same way, regardless of unique conditions.
Examples 2 and 3)
Kobe, Japan Earthquake (1990s)
Japanese Tsunami (2000s)
2) This quake killed over 6,000 people in a city and country that swore by the engineering of "quake proof" buildings. The experts' calculations, designs and tests were said to be flawless, but it wasn't so.
3) Tsunami walls were designed to withstand intense tsunami waves and nuclear reactors were placed near shorelines with a guarantee that they would be safe, but it wasn't so.
Structural Engineering is not an exact science (not trying to insult structural engineers).
My purpose for this long post (I'm on record for disliking longish posts) is to speak to those predisposed to distrust of government (that includes me). We know the government is dishonest and we hate most of our politicians. But realizing that, there doesn't always have to be ..."the rest of the story." There doesn't always have to be a coverup, dark state conspiracy, CIA operation, or covert strategy to explain tragedies, or strange occurrences. There are plenty of examples of that; I don't believe this is one of them. I'm not saying it is outside the realm of possibility, but the evidence given to me isn't convincing enough. Lack of definitive motive is a strong detractor, and lack of proof that falling structures that look like controlled demolitions are always 100% controlled demolitions, without exceptions to the rule.
Now, who wants to start a Flat Earth post???