Calling Costco Nazis is a false comparison. The masks are ridiculous and unnecessary but they are not being Nazis by requiring them to do business on their own private property.
You misread my post,
@Pacman. I labeled the
customers 'Nazis,' not Costco itself. Costco is a victim in all this. The customers are also victims if they are coerced by their governmental overlords with abridgements to their civil liberties or if the government and 'experts' scare the living sh** out of them by falsely claiming that a
relatively-less-harmful virus is something that is going to cause mass death by overhyping the potential death tolls or by falsely padding actual death tolls with the labeling of deaths occurring from morbid obesity, diabetes, COPD, automobile accidents and suicide as supposed COVID deaths.
That the customers have succumbed to propaganda and are victims in that sense, though, does
not imbue them with the right to hector their fellow customers about compliance with unconstitutional directions from our elected officials. It is those
customers who glare and demand compliance and attempt to block one's way down an aisle that I am labeling Nazis and brown shirts.
I am sad that Costco and Walmart have knuckled under to these illegitimate government dictates, but I certainly can't blame them (unless, of course, they have somehow behind the scenes participated in pulling the levers of this mass manipulation).
By the way, though, once Costco instituted the mask requirement, I stopped entering their stores (I only go into Walmart because it's the only place to buy the groceries necessary to get by, and we are now planning -- given having already been quite prepared in most ways -- to avoid Walmart until they are no longer participating in this madness). The Nazi customers to whom I'm referring exhibited their behavior
before Costco instituted any requirement that masks be worn. They were, as far as I'm concerned, easily-manipulated dupes who somehow considered themselves to
not be the lemmings as they dutifully walked off the cliffs. I didn't give them any grief for choosing to wear their hopelessly-and-ridiculously-useless-at-enhancing-any-substantive-diminishment-of-virus-transmission masks. Masks were not required, and yet they consider themselves empowered to act as judge and jury in regard to whether I and others were wearing one.
I think that overuse of the Nazi label has diminished its effectiveness.
I agree with
@steve here, because the term is thrown around way too lightly, and it's generally used in situations in which it far, far from applies, given that 'Nazi' was shorthand for National Socialist, whereas these days most use is by liberals trying to improperly associate Nazism with conservativism. I almost
never use the word or call people Hitlers ('feminazi' is also one of my only exceptions, but, hey, where the shoe fits . . .), but I am ALARMED by what is going on all around us, most especially by the ease with which such a vast swath of our culture was so quickly hypnotized into sheep status. None of this is an accident, and we have not had anything in our world since the Nazis were defeated to so closely mimic the way in which a culture was lulled into compliance and hatred of those they were told were not in compliance as was the case in post-Weimar-Republic Germany.
Again, where the shoe fits . . .