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2019 Summer Conference and Family Retreat (late July)

Darn, I’m too late to attend! Would love to meet y’all sometime soon. Are there any other retreats/get-togethers aside from summer time?
I've heard some talk of perhaps a NE retreat some time this fall. Those in the know should respond to your post here. You certainly missed a great one!
LOL Care to expound on that comment?!?

Before swimming in the pool you were required to shower for I think 5 seconds or something in one of the showers on each side of the diving board. It gives me no pleasure to report this but there were some REBELS in our group who jumped into the pool without showering first despite the clear instructions. I know. Shocking.
Before swimming in the pool you were required to shower for I think 5 seconds or something in one of the showers on each side of the diving board. It gives me no pleasure to report this but there were some REBELS in our group who jumped into the pool without showering first despite the clear instructions. I know. Shocking.
I think I was late to the show the first day, and failed to shower, but I made up for it the second day by taking a ten second shower.:D
Before swimming in the pool you were required to shower for I think 5 seconds or something in one of the showers on each side of the diving board. It gives me no pleasure to report this but there were some REBELS in our group who jumped into the pool without showering first despite the clear instructions. I know. Shocking.
Once again, I failed to read the instructions, so I'm among the guilty.
I showered and I didn’t even go in the pool.

That should give someone else a pass.
@Keith Martin , we can negotiate.
I think I was late to the show the first day, and failed to shower, but I made up for it the second day by taking a ten second shower.:D
LOL !!! @AmbassadorforChrist. It sure was great to have you and your whole family at retreat! Not sure @cnystrom was wanting a head count :) but at least you've been the man and "fessed up. Hope you enjoyed the swims! Blessings!
Once again, I failed to read the instructions, so I'm among the guilty.
Again--LOL! Can't tell you how many times I tell my students with a really big smile, "When all else fails, read the directions." I can just imagine one of them saying with a puzzled look on their face--so what's the diff? There's CO2 there (pointing to the shower) and CO2 there (pointing to the pool). "And 5 seconds--ya gotta be kidding me!??! That's not even long enough to get all of me wet!" "Ya know how bad I am at math--counting never did come easy to me so figured I'd skip the hard part!" "Reading???? What's that--oh yeah, dearing--hmmm--it just didn't make sense so I figured 'what the heck!'" Yeah--I know I'm having some fun with this. Hope ya'll don't mind. :) BTW--nothing I said here has any indication that @AmbassadorforChrist or @Keith Martin even remotely for 1 second thought any of the crazy stuff I just posted--hope you guys know this. :) :) I can tell you for a fact that @Keith Martin did read a sign that said "Do Not Climb Unless Camp Staff is Present" so instead of doing what he wanted to do--climb, he didn't.
LOL !!! @AmbassadorforChrist. It sure was great to have you and your whole family at retreat! Not sure @cnystrom was wanting a head count :) but at least you've been the man and "fessed up. Hope you enjoyed the swims! Blessings!
It was great being there! I definitely look forward to going to more! I think the 5 second shower was a verbal request from the lifeguard, and therefore I don't think anyone should be held to it.;)
I showered and I didn’t even go in the pool.

That should give someone else a pass.
@Keith Martin , we can negotiate.

This is reminding me of carbon offsets. If I have something of value to you, I could trade it to you, @steve, then you could trade me your shower offset, thus endowing me with the means to virtue signal my pool-swimming righteousness!
Again--LOL! Can't tell you how many times I tell my students with a really big smile, "When all else fails, read the directions." I can just imagine one of them saying with a puzzled look on their face--so what's the diff? There's CO2 there (pointing to the shower) and CO2 there (pointing to the pool).

OK, @rejoicinghandmaid, it looks like your mind was headed in the same twisted direction as mine (carbon offsets for carbon dioxide). As the owner of a school, though, I'm sure you realize that water is H2O rather than CO2!

This is reminding me of carbon offsets. If I have something of value to you, I could trade it to you, @steve, then you could trade me your shower offset, thus endowing me with the means to virtue signal my pool-swimming righteousness!
You got the picture! :):rolleyes:
OK, @rejoicinghandmaid, it looks like your mind was headed in the same twisted direction as mine (carbon offsets for carbon dioxide). As the owner of a school, though, I'm sure you realize that water is H2O rather than CO2!

For sure!:p However, I will confess that when I wrote the post, CO2 is the only thing my tired brain from a long day at the office would come up with. It didn't sound right, but I couldn't pull up the "H2O. :oops: So I just ran with what I had and didn't give it another thought. I was enjoying creating the crazy "kid-stuff" visuals I wrote. I went over and answered a PM from @Lisa McMillan, and when I got back to the forum noticed @AmbassadorforChrist had responded with "I didn't see any CO2." I immediately realized what I had done and wondered how many others were going to see it as well so set about to at least do some damage control. :eek: The whole thing gave me a good laugh--at myself, of course, as well as enjoying the interaction. I'm trying to wrap my brain around the "carbon offsets for carbon dioxide" you and @steve are sharing some friendly banter on that somehow you've identified in my scattered brain moment. I'm also realizing these few fun moments are totally derailing the OP--sorry guys!

So yeah--this retreat in OK rocked! I've only been to 3, but this one was totally over the top! swimming or no swimming!!;)
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