I’ve had more problems with people who claim to be Christians and claim to believe the Bible rejecting clear scripture on the topic. It can be right in front of their nose and they won’t listen.
Pardon me here for a moment.
In World War Two there was an Admiral named Arleigh Burke who issued an order of the day that said;
"If it's related to killing Japs, it's important, If it's NOT related to killing Japs, it's NOT important"
This was in response to military bureaucrats who were upset that frontline troops who were busy trying not to get killed by the Japanese were also too busy to fill out forms and get approvals and then route those approved forms so some bureaucrat could stamp the form and put it in a file cabinet.
For these military bureaucrats the process was more important than the outcome. Adm. Burke gave them some perspective.
With regard to Scripture Jesus demonstrated that the outcome was far more important than the process.
Despite THE LAW Jesus healed people on the Sabbath. Didn't He?
Because the outcome, a person being drawn closer to God, was much more important than a law.
Should we honor the Sabbath? Of course.
But we're also called to discern when the interpretation of Scripture interferes with the purpose of Scripture.
Scripture doesn't exist just because God likes Him some rules and likes making people obey.
Scripture is our roadmap and guide to living a better life that draws us closer to His Throne.
Yes, we should pay attention to the roadmap and the guidelines but sometimes the best way to get to a place is to go off road, to fly, or to blaze a new trail. The purpose of the journey is ultimately where we're going. Scripture should help us on our way and not be made into something that obstructs us. Jesus understood this.