Congratulations on your coming blessings ladies.
Our first was a homebirth with my hubby and mom. Most would call that unassisted, but I thought they were great help. I mean, how much can someone else really do?

A Dr told one of my cousins once "Your uterus is going to have a baby, you just happen to have to be there." Or something to that effect.
After the first we have had 7 more beautiful, normal home births, with just hubby and I there. Ironically, the only ultrasounds I have had, were for pregnancies that had a less happy outcome.
I only experienced anything like fear with number eight. I thought I was due Dec 21, and she didn't come until Jan 28 I dreaded going into labor with her for several weeks, but was completely over it by the time she came. Many nights hubby read me to sleep out of the Bible. I stayed very busy, kept affirming faith, and standing on the promises in His word. That was an easy labor, I worried about nothing (even though we were babysitting three cousins all day until after she was born) it was a super clean birth, third stage was over in less then 15 min (previous birth was over 2 hrs) and our perfect little girl weighed to the ounce what I had asked for in prayer. (After 4 boys in a row, 2 over 10 lb I prayed "Lord, you know we'd like another girl. If we have a girl this time could she be a little one, like 7 1/2 lb)
My best advice is to let Him take care of things, as in my experience the less of my will that I prayed into the situation, the better the birth.
Oh, and listen to your husband!
That's my two cents worth to add to the wonderful ideas and suggestions already written.
I hope you enjoy a very blessed, blessed event.