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Home Birth

That is how it'd be for me too if I were to choose a homebirth as there are no midwives close that do them (legally). Where do you live, Kathy? No, I'm not in a plural marriage. So I don't know if I'd be of any help but I'd be happy to chat nonetheless. :)
@windblown congratulations on the girl! Do you have any other girls?
Oh by the way, we accidentally found out what we are having.. Ha so no surprise this time. We are excited to be welcoming another boy into our sweet family.
Congratulations on another boy! I have so enjoyed our boys. Which actually came as a surprise to me. lol
He is here! All 10 lbs 1 oz of him! Had the best home birth I could have imagined. The midwives barely made it but it was perfect. :)
Congratulations on your not so little addition. :-)
My Grandpa liked to say, "Some have 'em an raise 'em, others raise 'em, then have 'em." When they start at ten lbs they outgrow newborn stuff in no time, so soak up all the baby love you can while he's little....er. ;-)
Congratulations!! What a big boy! Good job, Momma! I'm praying for you all in this crazy, but blessed time. :)
@windblown I drank red raspberry leaf tea religiously in my third tri with my first- felt like it helped to make my labor effective. With my second I drank it as I could, but it gave me heartburn so I didn't drink it as much. (With my second, everything gave me heartburn haha) is there something specific you were wondering about it?
I took it with my 2nd and 3rd, but found with my 3rd that it was creating super strong braxton hicks contractions that weren't doing anything at all, and from very early on too. So I stopped taking it and felt much better. It's in a lot of breastfeeding teas so it's good for after baby is born to help boost your supply if needed.
I've taken something called 5W which is similar and had the same problems with it.
The only herbal type thing that I take now is called Pre Birth Spray. Not sure if you can get it over there, but here's the link to a NZ site so you know what I'm talking about http://www.healthpost.co.nz/naturo-...s35YjbBQDBl6fv7xrny7AVKB1yh4Gm3sZ8aAvVd8P8HAQ.
I take it from 38 weeks and find it doesn't give me crazy BH and has helped when I had a labour slow down to speed it up again. I don't know how effective it actually is, but I feel better taking it and it doesn't hurt so it's good for my brain in hoping I won't go too far overdue if nothing else.
Yes, red raspberry tea did give me Braxton hicks too, but I didn't mind having the practice contractions as it was helping prepare my body ahead of time :)

Any of you ladies use After Ease after birth for afterbirth pains? I used it this time and it was helpful.
These were really bad, super tight like someone was squeezing me through a vice and really painful over my whole bump. Very different to normal contractions and not effective which was annoying.
What's After Ease? Is it a herbal thing? I use Ponstan which is an over the counter medication. After pains get super nasty once you get to 6 kids :(. Wouldn't mind something natural that worked though.
Yes, here is an Amazon link

I used that for the first several days and arnica on occasion. After pains are not fun! I didn't really have any with my first born, so I was glad to have been prepared before this last birth with the AfterEase. I still had them for several days, but it helped make it less painful.
I had a midwife friend recommend RRL tea, but when I asked my midwife she said she wasn't a fan. The first midwife said that it doesn't cause BH or kick start labor. Hmmm. I really don't want any extra BH...they're already not fun. But the way she describes it, it sounds great.
This is what she said:
RRLtea in late human pregnancy has been shown to tone the uterus, making it stronger and more efficient (especially good for those going for VBAC), makes labor cx feel less painful, reduces the risk of prolonged labor and some say it actually shortens labor, provides a lot of vitamins and minerals, is great for postpartum health, and increases milk supply.
It won't kick start labour, that's definitely true, because it is not causing effective contractions at all.
How on earth does it help labour contractions feel less painful?! I've never heard that and cannot for the life of me figure out how that could be true. Making contractions more effective does not make them less painful, in fact they would be more painful but go for a shorter period of time.
I took it with #2 and didn't have any problems. Don't know if it helped though.
@FollowingHim2 , @Joleneakamama, etc. Do any of you ladies have experience with red raspberry leaf tea?
I know it is recommended, but have never used it much myself.

With my first I had a lot of false labor (Braxton hicks). With my second I was using a product called Diosin 2, as well as a lot of spirulina and other nutrient dense foods.
I don't remember a single contraction before labor began, labor was effective, and it was an easy birth.

I would say looking back on my pregnancies, that lack of worry (trusting God, and your hubby to provide what you need) is the best thing, and taking care of yourself as well as you can, is smart.

Just Mr two cents worth.